Covert-One – Book Series In Order

covert-one books publication order

the covert -one series are books written after the death of robert ludlum. they focus on issues of bioweapons, conspiracy, and corruption that seem to put society at stratospheric risk. Presumably, the books are written according to Robert Ludlum’s ideas by various authors.

The series begins with “The Hades Factor”, which revolves around a deadly and evil viral experiment. the virus affects jon smith and his wife. the first experiment of the virus is carried out on the iraqi and american soldiers in the gulf war. The author justifies that the virus is gradually spreading to other parts of the world, causing the death of three people, including an army commander from the Gulf War.

You are reading: Covert one books in order

The virus spreads rapidly killing half a million people in different parts of the world. Jon Smith’s wife (Sophia) develops symptoms of the virus. She likens the symptoms to the monkey blood virus that attacked her while she was in Peru. Victor Tremont, who is her co-worker, develops the same symptoms after talking to Sophia.

jon smith returns to fort detrick but is attacked by rogue thugs. he manages to overpower them only by surprising the leader of him, mr. nadal al-hassan. after his return, he seriously ill his wife. he tries to treat her beloved but unfortunately she dies. Smith realizes that Sophia died from the lethal injection into her ankle by the scoundrel team leader (al-hassan).

smith’s main mission now is to take revenge on the murderer of his love. He is backed by Randi Russell (a sister of the late Sophia) and Peter Howell (former M16 of the British) to carry out the revenge mission. he calls for action but is ignored. he decides to secede from the US government.

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with the help of marty zellerbach (computer specialist), they discover that victor tremont has been using antibiotics to spread a deadly virus to people. Smith reveals this undeniable truth and Victor is arrested. the most amazing part of the story is that all charges against him are dropped. Smith voluntarily withdraws from USAMRIID and joins undercover at the request of Fredrick Klein. the hades factor is an interesting book in the covert-one series and should not be missed.

The second title, “the cassandra compact”, spawns jon smith as a wandering and sad character after the death of his fiancée. It shows us how affectionate Smith was with Sophia Russell. he decides to rethink and reshape his destiny. The last step comes to his mind after meeting a scientist, Megan Olson, Sophia’s childhood friend.

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John’s absence from the US Army’s Military Infectious Diseases Research Institute is the only reason he has found time to wander around and meet Nathaniel Klein aka Fred. Fred gives him his first task: find Danko, a Russian scientist who happens to be Jon’s friend. Unfortunately, Yuri Danko is killed by two assassins.

However, after Danko’s death, Peter Howell helps Jon retrieve a document from Danko’s body. it is a warning to them about the imminent theft of the smallpox sample from a bioapparat of the Russian biological research center.

jon goes to moscow and disguises himself as a venture capitalist. It is during this time that he meets Randi Russell, sister of his deceased fiancée. he seems to be looking for young people to train them to be computer analysts for the central intelligence agency. She is the CIA warning Randi of impending danger. in quick response, she with the help of lara telegin informs the president to secure bioaparat. It is in this course that Randi nicknames Jon “General Kirov”, meaning a trusted liaison with the Russian government.

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Unfortunately, the warning does not prevent the imminent demise of the smallpox sample. A guard steals the sample and passes it to Ivan Beria, who is paid to take the sample out of the country. It unfolds that the guard is killed by Beria and the sample is given to a NASA scientist, Adam Treloar.

smith captures adam by using a video tape prepared by sasha, who is randi’s protégé. It is as a result of computer advances that Treloar’s massacre becomes a success. it is beria who receives the order to kill him. then jon is able to recognize that there is a connection with nasa. however, reading the connection puts smith in danger as beria is ordered to kill him. Anticipating his actions, Smith and Kirov disable Beria and interrogate him.

what happens is that the US military is connected to the whole scheme. This discovery is made by Peter Howell and with the help of Randi’s computer knowledge, it is known that the Swiss financier Karl Bauer and the money with which he finances the scheme and that he is actually the leader of the theft scheme. It is also discovered that Price and Richardson are working underground in the United States to support Bauer.

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what’s next? Reed smuggles the sample in and is eventually killed by Bauer, but Jon Smith keeps the sample on the spaceship. Jon saves Megan’s life and at the end of Cassandra’s pact, Bauer is destroyed on Doomsday along with the spaceship carrying the sample.

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It is a book that when you read it you get the pang of pain that the characters go through, the research carried out is really real and attracts attention. it’s arranged in such a way that when events unfold, you actually see them.

Other books in the covert-one series that have made headlines and seduced the minds of various readers around the world include:

the paris option in 2002.the altman code in 2003.the revenge of lazarus in 2004.the vector of moscow in 2005.the arctic event of 2007.they are interesting books and betting on them will be a prudent decision if It suits you I love literature entertainment. the list of the covert-one series books is great. robert ludlum’s message is relevant today.

covert-one’s success has been seen in many books that have been made into TV shows and movies. for example, the hades factor is known for its popularity. It first aired in 2006 in Toronto.

covert-one is a series of novels that have been praised around the world for their enthusiasm and entertaining character. Robert Ludlum focuses on an American agency (a covert one) that uses biological weapons to disarm enemies and also to combat corruption. the author has an amazing track record of writing 27 novels that have been translated into 32 languages. readers interested in transparency will love this series. they are worth the price.

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