Download free books for Kindle from these 9 sites

Download free Kindle books legally

Looking for sources of free Kindle books that you can download to your computer, and then to a Kindle or Kindle app? You can do it legally in any of the sites listed below.

you can find kindle compatible books not only on amazon> thousands of these books are free and you can download them to your kindle completely legally.

You are reading: Free books for kindle

There are a couple of things to keep in mind to make adding your own books to Kindle easier and faster.

First of all, remember to choose the correct file format.

while all other ebook platforms use the epub format, kindle devices and apps support a different one: mobi (also called prc). if you are going to choose a file from any of the sites below, make sure you download this format and not any other.

on the kindle store, e-books are offered in a format called kd8. allows you to put a multimedia content in the ebook. mobi is and will be supported. don’t be afraid amazon will discontinue it or make it incompatible with kindles or kindle apps.

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Of course you can also add pdf files, but it only makes sense if the book is not available on mobi. this last format allows to increase the size of the font, which makes it easier to read on smaller screens, which becomes really difficult when using pdf, especially of large format books.

You can start collecting your library of Kindle books even before you buy a Kindle e-reader. There are many free Kindle apps available for computers and smartphones/tablets, including Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and Blackberry operating systems.

The key to the Kindle ecosystem is your Amazon account. All eBooks you add to your Kindle Virtual Library will be synced across all devices and apps registered with that account. Not only will your last reading location be synced, but also your bookmarks and notes, and this is one of the most important benefits that e-books can provide.

Obviously you can also decide to use an unregistered kindle, but make sure you know all the pros and cons of this solution.

at the end of a post, you will see a short guide on how to add kindle books to your device.

download free kindle books from these 9 sites

1. project gutenberg

project gutenberg is the world’s oldest e-book site and the best place to download free classics. is the leading repository for free public domain e-books.

When the title falls into the public domain, it means that the rights to this work have expired and the book is publicly available. At Project Gutenberg, public domain books are free to download.

It is very possible that in other places you will find the same classic titles in ebook format, for which you will have to pay. this is what can happen in the kindle store, for example. you can get the jane austen book for free from the gutenberg project and find that the same title costs a dollar or two in amazon’s kindle store.

The nice thing about project gutenberg books is that if the original print edition had illustrations, you can also get them in the e-book version. if you want the illustrations, be sure to download the kindle file (with images). please note that e-book files with images take up much more space.

Project Gutenberg - download books in Kindle format

Currently, there are over 60,000 ebooks in the Project Gutenberg catalog. You can start browsing from Frequently Downloaded Ebooks section or go directly to the Latest Releases.

the site offers a very useful integration of dropbox, google drive and onedrive. If you connect your cloud service, you can download e-books with just one click.

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It’s worth noting that you can access and download Project Gutenberg eBooks on your tablet or smartphone, in a browser, as the site is mobile-friendly.

⇢ project gutenberg

2. crush words

smashwords is a top online site of e-books from independent authors and publishers. there are currently over 500,000 from over 100,000 self-published authors. You can not only download books in mobi or pdf format, but also read them online in your browser.

smashwords is a leading source for newly published independent e-books. Also, if you’re looking for free kindle books in languages ​​other than English, visit smashwords, and you should find books in your native language here.

To see which books are free to read in your internet browser, go to the smashwords free ebook catalog. then change the way the entries are displayed, from stacks to list. do so by clicking the bullet list icon in the top right.

Download free ebooks for Kindle - Smashwords

This way, next to each title you will see a list of available formats. Keep in mind that the format that’s compatible with Kindle is called “mobi.”

Currently, there are between 50,000 and 100,000 free eBooks on smashwords. that number depends on how authors promote their books. sometimes they do a free book for a limited time. it usually happens with the first volumes of the book series.

⇢ crushing words

3. kindle store

Did you know that there are many free ebooks in the kindle store? the thing is how to find them.

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The best way to get free books is to go to “kindle store best sellers” and choose “top 100 free”. you can see the most popular free titles in the kindle store.

The list is updated a couple of times a day, so it compiles the most popular free titles currently available.

Download free Kindle books from Amazon

The other way to find free Kindle books is to search Amazon. While being in the Kindle Store, in the search box type “free kindle books.” This method gives an idea how many books are free in Amazon’s own ebook platform.

Please note that to access free books on the Kindle Store, you must be logged in with your Amazon account and have a Kindle or Kindle App registered with the same credentials. otherwise you will not be able to get free ebooks from kindle store on your device. The process of delivering an e-book is different from downloading a file to your computer’s disk. done through your personal kindle library in the cloud.

⇢ kindle store

4. internet archive

the internet archive is a non-profit digital library with a mission of “universal access to all knowledge”. the website is a huge digital library of text, audio and video files.

The catalog includes more than 25,000,000 books and other fully accessible text files. From here, you can also start exploring a collection of 1.3 million contemporary e-books that you can borrow for free once you sign up for an account.

Download free Kindle books from Internet Archive

When you find an interesting book, click on its cover and a read-online panel will open right away. To find downloadable files, scroll down the page a bit. On the right side, you will see all available formats

in most cases, the mobi format will be included; here it’s called a kindle.

⇢ internet archive

5. open library

open library is a separate project from internet archive, focused on collecting library records. Your goal is to create a web page for each published book. on one page of a single book, you will find all its documented editions.

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compared to the internet archive, with its extensive catalog and advanced search capabilities, the open library website is simpler and easier to use, and you can find the books you need much faster.


When you go to the classic books section, you’ll find over 3 million books that are “accessible,” meaning they can be read online or downloaded for free.

Download free Kindle books from Open Library

To find a Kindle format of a book you like to read, open the page with its details. Then, in the left-side column, right under the book cover, you will see “Download Options.” Click on “mobi” and the file will start downloading immediately.

the open library is more than a catalog of free classic books. it also displays contemporary books that are free to read if you decide to borrow them. To do that, you may need to register with open library or find the book at your local library using worldcat or library link. each book in the library is marked with a “borrow” button instead of “read”.

⇢ open library

6. many books

manybooks offers free books in a clean and friendly interface. the site is ad supported, but these ads are usually displayed at the bottom of the browser window and are not too annoying.

most of the books come from the gutenberg project and other sites that offer books under a creative commons license.

In total, there are over 50,000 books available, all with beautifully designed covers. Plus, each book is available in multiple file formats—much more than you can find elsewhere.

The main disadvantage of manybooks is that if you want to download the file, you will need to register an account. it’s up to you if you want to do this or use other sites like project gutenberg or internet archive.

Free books for Kindle - download from ManyBooks

To see download options, select the book you want, open the book’s product page, and click on a big button saying “Free Download.” Then, choose “mobi” from a list of available formats.

If you don’t want to subscribe to manybooks, you can read any book for free in your internet browser. After you find the book you want to read, go to this book’s detail page and click the big “read online” button.

⇢ lots of books

7. good reads

the largest book discovery site, goodreads, also offers books in mobi/kindle format; they are uploaded by goodreads users and displayed in a special catalogue.

the catalog of free download books on goodreads is not huge: there are only 2500 titles listed here, but they are very interesting. For example, you can download Harry Potter: The Prequel to J.K. Rowling, a short story set about three years before the birth of Harry Potter. narrates an adventure lived by sirius black and james potter.

Download free ebooks for Kindle directly from Goodreads

Books that you can download in full length from Goodreads are labeled with “Download eBook” button on the list of results.

When you open a book page, you will see a row of buttons. click “download ebook” to see a list of available formats. Please note that not all books are offered in a Kindle compatible format.

⇢ good reads

8. bookrix

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bookrix is ​​a platform that offers books by self-published authors combined with free public domain books.

A catalog of free e-books is an essential part of the website. At the top of a list, you’ll find the most popular categories, including literary fiction, fantasy, romance, thriller, and young adult fiction.

When you enter any category, you’ll see the books sorted by popularity. At the top, you’ll see free books offered by contemporary authors.

Many classic public domain titles are also included in the bookrix free ebook directory. you will find them in the fiction category.

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Find free Kindle books on BookRix

When you find the book you want to read, click on its cover or title to enter the book details page. Find the “Download” button placed next to the book cover and click on it.

Please note that not all titles are available in mobi format and there is no way to filter books by format, so you’ll need to check compatibility with kindle once you find a book you’d like to read.

⇢ bookrix

9. digital libraries

The site is an online eBook catalog, where you can find nearly 30,000 titles, all free. the site is very clean and easy to navigate, and this is what makes it worth exploring.

Most likely you don’t need a search box. the most popular categories are displayed in the left sidebar, and you can select the one you are interested in to see the books listed by popularity.

Also, if a category is large enough, you can further narrow down the list of displayed books by selecting one of the subcategories. there are several categories to choose from.

The most popular are poetry, juvenile fiction and literary collections.

Free Kindle books - download from Digi Libraries

It’s easy to download a Kindle compatible file. Simply, find “Download options” panel located on the right side of the book’s cover, and click on “Mobi Kindle” icon to start downloading the file.

⇢ digital libraries

• • •

how to add books to kindle

There are a couple of ways to add your own books to the kindle e-reader or tablet/smartphone app:

1. The most popular way is to send a file to the email address associated with your device. If you buy a Kindle or download a Kindle app, the first thing you need to do is sign in with your Amazon account. since then, this device/application receives a special email address to which it can send the files. you can find it in the configuration section.

2. You can also use an app to send to kindle. It’s available for Mac and Windows, but you can also get it for Chrome and Firefox browsers. while the desktop version lets you add files stored on a computer drive, the browser extension helps add web content.

3. If you use a cloud storage service like dropbox, you can upload the file from your computer and use a dropbox app on your tablet or phone to download the file to the kindle app .

4. If you have a kindle e-reader, connect the kindle to your computer and drag the files into the documents folder inside the kindle disk image.

5. If you have a kindle app installed on your smartphone or tablet, you should also be able to add the file by tapping on it. a list of apps capable of opening it should be displayed, and if the file is in mobi format, you should see a kindle app.

• • •

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