10 Benefits of Reading Books: Why You Should Read Every Day

There are so many benefits to reading books.

but let’s face it: it can be a challenge to get motivated to read a 382-page book when we can watch the movie, listen to the audiobook, or watch a youtube video summary.

You are reading: Reading books is important

Am I right?

However, if the bulk of your daily reading consists of social media posts, text messages, and news headlines, you’re missing out.

So, what are the benefits of reading books?

If you are interested in reading more books but need some motivation, this article is for you. after all, when you understand the importance of reading books, you’re more likely to do so.

what are the benefits of reading books?

here are 10 benefits of reading that illustrate the importance of reading books. when you read every day:

  1. gain valuable knowledge
  2. exercise the brain
  3. improve concentration
  4. improve memory
  5. enjoy entertainment
  6. improve your ability to empathize
  7. improve your communication skills
  8. reduce stress
  9. improve your mental health
  10. live longer

Now, let’s dig a little deeper to better understand the benefits of reading.

1. acquire valuable knowledge

One of the most obvious benefits of reading every day is learning.

and unlike a youtube video or podcast, books provide access to in-depth knowledge. In other words, if you want to be more productive, who do you think you will learn more from?:

  • A book by someone who has studied productivity for 20 years,
  • or a 10-minute youtube video by someone interested in the subject?

Which one do you think you will absorb more of? Which do you think is most likely to help you change your habits? books, of course!

Going beyond the surface of an issue is also essential to success. This is probably why author Roald Dahl once said, “If you’re going to get anywhere in life, you have to read a lot of books.”

What Are the Benefits of Reading Books: Roald Dahl Quote

plus, you can learn literally anything from books. For example, every time someone asks Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, how he learned to build rockets, he replies, “I read books.”

so what do you want to learn?

Maybe you want to learn to code, paint, or start a successful business? maybe you want to learn how to stop procrastinating? Or maybe you want to discover how to change your life completely?

Whatever it is, reading can help.

2. exercise your brain

why is it important to read? As the 17th-century English writer Joseph Addison once wrote, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

So what does reading do to your brain?

Research has confirmed that reading stimulates a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. furthermore, as their reading ability improves, these networks become more robust and sophisticated.

In another study, researchers measured how reading a novel affects our brains. Study participants read Robert Harris’s novel “Pompeii,” and as the tension in the story developed, more areas of the brain were activated.

Want to know the best part?

Scans showed that brain connectivity increased during reading and for days afterward, demonstrating the tremendous benefits of reading books every day.

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In short, our brains have a “use it or lose it” policy, just like our muscles. In other words, if we don’t exercise our minds regularly, our cognitive abilities can decline. however, when we read every day, we can keep them strong and healthy.

3. improve your concentration

Being able to focus and concentrate for extended periods is essential to our success and well-being. cal newport, the author of an insightful work, writes:

“To remain valuable in our economy… you must master the art of learning complicated things quickly. This task requires deep work.”

what is “deep work”? newport explains:

“deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. it is a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time. deep work will make you better at what you do and deliver the feeling of true accomplishment that comes from craftsmanship.”

newport also argues that this ability is becoming increasingly rare due to constant multitasking, notifications and social media apps. A Microsoft study would agree, finding that people typically lose attention after just eight seconds.

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Fortunately, one of the key benefits of reading is that it helps you practice focusing on one thing at a time.

for example, a novel requires your full attention to take you to another world. And if you want to learn from a nonfiction book, it requires you to be fully present and engaged.

In short, if you want to be successful, you have to focus. And if you want to concentrate more, you can practice reading books.

4. improve your memory

Do you always forget things? Have a ton of to-do lists, but can’t quite remember what’s on them? fear not: one of the benefits of reading books is that it can improve your memory.

When you read a non-fiction book, you also consume an enormous amount of information about the subject you are reading.

Similarly, whenever you read a novel, you need to remember tons of information about the plot and subplots of the story, the characters and their relationships, and the setting in which the story takes place.

That’s a lot of information!

All this new information creates new memories. and each new memory creates synapses or strengthens old ones.

the result? reading every day can improve your memory; can help you learn how to store new information and recall memories more effectively.

5. enjoy the entertainment

Books offer one of the most attractive entertainment on the planet. as author stephen king said, “books are uniquely portable magic.”

What Are the Benefits of Reading Books: Stephen King Quote

Have you ever read a book you couldn’t put down?

Do you remember feeling so interested in the story or what you were learning that you kept reading even when you needed to go to the bathroom or were hungry?

To replicate that feeling, or experience it for the first time, all you need to do is find the right books to read.

There are millions of amazing books and there’s a perfect reading genre for everyone, from fantasy novels and classic literature to self-help guides and business books.

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Also, with the world still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn, there’s no better time to take up reading as a hobby.

Reading is something you can safely enjoy at home. And books don’t cost as much, especially with services like your local library and Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited ($9.99 per month for unlimited eBooks).

so, walk away from your smartphone every day, open the pages of a book and dive in.

6. improve your ability to empathize

another benefit of reading books is that they can improve our ability to empathize with others. And empathy has many benefits: it can reduce stress, improve our relationships, and inform our moral compass.


Research has shown that long-term readers of fiction tend to develop a better “theory of mind,” the term used to describe our capacity for empathy and ability to understand others.

another study found that when we read stories that explore the inner lives and emotions of characters, our ability to understand the feelings and points of view of others improves.

For example, experiencing the world through the eyes of Harry Potter or Jane Eyre can help us learn to see the world from the perspective of our families, friends, and co-workers.

author john green said it best: “great books help you understand and help you feel understood.”

What Are the Benefits of Reading Books: John Green Quote

7. improve your communication skills

The ability to communicate effectively is a vital life skill.

In fact, one study found that 69% of employers are looking to hire people with “soft” skills, like effective communication.

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the good news? One of the main benefits of reading is that it helps us communicate better.

how? reading every day can improve our communication skills in several ways. for example, reading can influence your writing and increase your vocabulary.

When we read a well-written piece of work, we naturally look at its writing style, cadence, and composition. these characteristics inevitably seep into our writing, in the same way that musicians influence each other.

Also, studies show that those who read regularly tend to develop a large vocabulary.

Finally, don’t forget that reading also helps improve our communication skills by increasing our ability to empathize and understand others.

long story short? read more, communicate better and improve your life!

8. reduce stress

Another effect of reading is that it can reduce stress.

Research has shown that just 30 minutes of reading can reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological distress.

Another study found that reading is the best way to reduce stress, compared to taking a walk, having a cup of tea or coffee, and playing video games. the study found that even six minutes of reading can be enough to reduce stress levels by more than two-thirds.

“getting lost in a book is the ultimate relaxation,” said dr. David Lewis, the cognitive neuropsychologist who conducted the study.

What Are the Benefits of Reading Books: Dr. David Lewis Quote

so the next time you feel stressed, remember the benefits of reading for pleasure and let the tension melt away.

9. improve your mental health

The benefits of reading also extend to mental health.

Researchers studied the effects of self-help books and found that many have a measurable impact on depression or other mood disorders.

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as a result, the uk’s national health service (nhs) started a book prescription program called read well. this service prescribes self-help books selected by medical experts for certain conditions.

The act of using books as therapy is called “bibliotherapy.”

So if you’re struggling, and despite what life looks like on instagram, we all struggle from time to time, consider reading one of the books on the nhs selected list, which have been shown to help ease the symptoms.


10. live longer

This last effect of reading is perhaps one of the most exciting and interesting: it turns out that the health benefits of reading can help us live longer.

A 12-year study of health and retirement found that those who read books survive about two years longer than those who don’t read books or read magazines and other media. furthermore, those who read for 30 minutes a day (3.5 hours per week) were 23% more likely to survive than those who read infrequently.

very good, right?

As stated above, reading is a great way to exercise our brains to become smarter and sharper. however, the side effect of this is that reading also helps prevent age-related cognitive decline.

One study found that older adults who regularly read or play mentally challenging games like chess were two and a half times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

On the other hand, people who don’t exercise their gray matter are at risk of losing brain power, says the study’s lead author, Dr. robert freidland.

It’s no wonder the US National Institute on Aging recommends the health benefits of reading every day to champions.

In general, when you read every day, you are more likely to keep your mental skills and live longer!

what should I read? 4 major book lists

Now that you understand the importance of reading books and why you should read every day, what should you read? To help you find the perfect book, here are four curated book lists to check out:

  1. All-Time Must-Read: 40 Books Everyone Should Read
  2. Top 12 Books for Entrepreneurs Starting a Business
  3. 20 Business Books That Will Change Your Life in 2021
  4. 15 Investing Books That Will Boost Your Financial IQ

summary: why is it important to read?

why is reading good for you? reading is good for you because it improves your concentration, memory, empathy and communication skills. it can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and help you live longer. reading also allows you to learn new things that will help you be successful in your work and in your relationships.

the best part? you can get all these benefits of reading books while enjoying great entertainment.

Do you read every day? What are you reading right now? let us know in the comments below!

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