Roxanne St. Claire – Book Series In Order

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roxana street. Claire is one of America’s best-selling writers of romance, thriller, and contemporary stories of all time. She has written over 50 novels in her career and is particularly famous for writing the Bullet Catcher series, the Guardian Angelenos series, the Barefoot Bay Universe series, the Dogfather series, and the Barefoot Bay series. Additionally, Roxanne has written numerous independent books and a couple of young adult books. Author Roxanne is a once and 10-time recipient of RWA’s prestigious Rita Award. She has also won the National Readers Award for Best Romantic Thriller 4 times. The other prestigious awards won by her include the Holt Medallion, Best Buyer of Books, Daphne du Maurier, Maggie Award, Award of Excellence, Best Bookseller, and several others. Roxanne’s novels have been translated into more than a dozen foreign languages, and one of them has also been adapted into a film. Throughout her writing career, Roxanne has been associated with different publishers.

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some of his books have been published under the pseudonym rocki st. Clara is often referred to as Rocki by everyone close to her and she also likes her name very much. The origin of her name goes back to the fact that she was too small and skinny at the time of her birth, which is why people started calling her by that name. Roxanne grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was the youngest of 5 children. she fell in love with stories and words at a very young age after finding Gone with the Wind. On her 12th birthday, her parents gave her a typewriter that came with the italic font feature and Roxanne loved it. From that day forward, she has been hammering out interesting love stories and has found a true love for writing. At the suggestion of her English teacher, Roxanne first tried to get a real job before settling down as a full-time writer. After graduating from UCLA with a degree in communications, she tied her hand to acting and television broadcasting. Roxanne learned the hard way that these aren’t real jobs.

You are reading: Roxanne st claire books in order

author roxanne’s real last name is zink and she changed it to st. Claire on the advice of a news producer, who told her that her real name didn’t fit the TV reporter job. In between, Roxanne got some acting jobs and even indulged in on-camera work. The highlight of her acting and television career is meeting Tom Hanks on one occasion. when it seemed that no particular job was coming her way, ella roxanne decided to move to boston. She joined the corporate world and, starting from the bottom rung, she climbed the corporate ladder to the position of Senior Vice President of a large public relations firm. While she was still working in public relations, Roxanne met and married the man of her dreams. Since her husband’s surname was an unpronounceable Italian name, she decided to keep her own surname.

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roxanne moved to miami with her loving husband and was blessed with a boy and a girl. all this time, she was writing just for fun. One fine day, Roxanne read a fabulous romance book and decided to write something that would make others happy the way she felt happy after reading that book. Roxanne finished her first manuscript and found a good literary agent, who helped her sell her second manuscript to a leading publisher who published the manuscript under the title Tropical Getaway in 2003. This gave Roxanne’s career an unexpectedly successful start. she. Since then, Roxanne has written over 50 more titles across multiple genres. After the release of her first novels, she abandoned her corporate career to focus full-time on her writing interests.

roxanne recently moved to florida and lives in a beach community with her loving husband, two children and a couple of dogs. Her children have grown up to go to college, which gives her plenty of time to try different things. When Roxanne is not writing, she can be found hanging out with her husband, sampling gourmet cuisine, hanging out with her writing friends, and visiting church with her children. Roxanne also loves to read a lot. she hopes to write 100 books in her lifetime at least.

a popular romantic thriller series written by author roxanne st. Claire is known as the bullet catcher series. It is made up of a total of 8 novellas and 8 novellas published between 2005 and 2010. Each book in this series revolves around a group of security specialists and bodyguards led by a former CIA agent named Lucky Sharpe. the books actually contain stand-alone stories, but many characters are seen to reappear in other books in the series. the debut book is titled ‘kill me twice’. was released in 2005 by Pocket Books. The main characters in this book include Alex Romero and Jasmine Adams. Roxanne has set this story in Miami, Key West, and elsewhere. Initially, she introduces herself to Alex Romero as the best security specialist in the business. he is tall, dark, handsome and deadly. Alex possesses all the traits of being a capable bodyguard. he is ready to prove himself as a bullet taker in his next mission. Jasmine Adams is described as a fearless and independent private investigator. she doesn’t need the help of a security specialist to take down the pervert who is stalking her sister. But when things start to spiral out of control, Alex comes to her rescue, falling in love with her beauty in the process. Jasmine also develops feelings for the handsome hunk.

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The second installment of this romantic suspense series is titled “Shot Me To Death”. It was also published by Pocket Books in 2006. Central characters depicted in this book include Cori Cooper and Max Roper. Max is seen as a former DEA agent and a current recruit for the Bullet Hunter team. Due to the tragic death of his fiancée’s father in a shooting, she left him never to return to him. But, his destinies cross again when Max is tasked with protecting a recently widowed heiress on his next mission, who turns out to be his ex-fiancée, Cori Cooper. Since she split from Max, Cori has found a lavish lifestyle for herself after marrying a billionaire. however, the sudden death of her husband forces her to hire a bodyguard and throws her into the arms of the very man who gave her the deepest pain. Seeing Max after a long time ignites a passion within Cori and tempts her to forgive him. Focusing on keeping Cori safe from a deadly killer, Max also expresses her desire to get back together with her.

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