The 34 Best Psychology Books That Will Make You Smarter & Happier

Best Psychology Books

Psychology is a broad and diverse field that focuses on studying how people behave and think, including you. covers emotions, personality and much more.

You are reading: Top books on personal development

When you understand psychology, you will understand yourself and the people around you.

You’ll also make better decisions, handle difficult situations more easily, and come closer to reaching your full potential much faster than you could have ever imagined.

This fascinating science will even help you understand why you and those closest to you act the way you do, and how you can change for the better.

Our over 1,000 summaries here in four-minute books include hundreds on psychology. We’ve selected our top 34 favorites for this list so you can learn from them and better understand yourself so you can harness the power of your own mind.

If you want to discover new levels of productivity, mental toughness, happiness and much more, these books are just what you’ve been looking for.

best books on psychology in general

1. thinking fast and slow by daniel kahneman

Thinking Fast and Slow Book Cover (Best Psychology Books Overall)

favorite quote

“nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you think about it.” — Daniel Kahneman

the book in a sentence

thinking fast and slow shows you how two systems in your brain are constantly battling for control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways this leads to errors in memory, judgment, and decisions, and what you can do. about that

why should you read it?

Our minds are driven by two systems that influence the way we think. one system is fast and works on the emotional side, while the other is a bit slower and uses more logic. These two systems work together to shape the way we think and influence our decisions, and Kahneman wants to reveal in this book how to deal with our brains.

key takeaways

    1. Your behavior is determined by 2 systems in your mind: one conscious and one automatic.>
    2. Your brain is lazy and therefore prevents you from use the full power of your intelligence.
    3. when you’re making decisions about money, leave your emotions at home.

    See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

    If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

    2. drive by daniel rosa

    Drive Book Cover

    favorite quote

    “control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to commitment.” — daniel rose

    the book in a sentence

    drive explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we went from mere survival to the carrot and stick approach still practiced today, and why it’s outdated.


    why should you read it?

    there are many ways to use them to motivate ourselves, but some of them could be wrong. Daniel Pink has put together this persuasive book to help us discover how to be a high performer in any field of our lives, making use of the need to direct our lives. this book will help you change your perspectives on motivation.

    key takeaways

      1. the carrot and stick approach is dead.
      2. extrinsic motivation destroys intrinsic motivation.
      3. striving for the flow state in everything you do.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      3. predictably irrational by dan ariely

      Predictably Irrational Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “The danger of expecting nothing is that, in the end, it may be all we get.” — dan ariely

      the book in a sentence

      predictably irrational explains the hidden forces that actually drive the way we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think, but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others, and live a better life. happier, once we get to know them.

      why should you read it?

      We make decisions every day and sometimes we may not even think about the mechanism behind them. Humans are considered rational beings, but certain behaviors can end up making them… irrational, but in predictable ways, according to Ariely. this book will help you better understand your thought patterns and, who knows, maybe even break them.

      key takeaways

      1. We compare as much as we can, so give others easy comparisons to choose you.
      2. Free is really just another price, but a powerful one.
      3. You overprice what that you are the owner.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      4. everything is fucked up by mark manson

      Everything is F*cked Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “Hopelessness is the root of anxiety, mental illness and depression. it is the source of all misery and the cause of all addiction.” — mark manson

      the book in a sentence

      Everything’s Screwed explains what’s wrong with our approach to happiness and offers philosophical suggestions to help us make our lives worth living.

      why should you read it?

      Although it seems that today we have everything from freedom to amazing technological discoveries, more and more people seem to be drowning in a feeling of hopelessness. a book that focuses on everything around us, by putting things into perspective in a sharp but fun way, it will make you consider things you probably never thought about before.

      key takeaways

      1. pure logic will not help you make the best decisions, a balanced brain will.
      2. hope will not solve your problems, it takes acceptance and principles to do it.
      3. The solution to mental illness is not to pursue happiness, it is to achieve true freedom from our addictions and dependencies.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      5. the wisdom of insecurity by alan watts

      The Wisdom of Insecurity Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “tomorrow and plans for tomorrow cannot have any meaning unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live”. — alan watts

      the book in a sentence

      The Wisdom of Insecurity is a self-help classic that looks at our psychological need for stability and explains how it has led us right into consumerism, why that won’t solve our problem, and how we can actually calm our anxiety.

      p >

      why should you read it?

      You might think that this age offers enough stability to human beings, but sometimes it seems to be the exact opposite: we live in an age where things seem quite unstable and vulnerable. Alan Watts has put together this book where we put into perspective the idea that as much as we want to achieve a perfect level of psychological safety, many things make us go towards psychological insecurity.

      key takeaways

      1. Without a religion that tells us everything will be alright, life can become very uncertain, and that’s terrifying.
      2. The happiness that consumerism promises us is really a void in a pretty wrapper.
      3. li>

      4. pleasure and pain always come in one package, and hugging it will make you feel less anxious.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books for beginners

      6. Do What You Are by Paul Tieger, Barbara Barron, & kelly tieger

      Do What You Are Book Cover (Best Books on Psychology For Beginners)

      favorite quote

      “The right job improves your life. it is personally satisfying because it nurtures the most important aspects of your personality.” — Paul Tieger, Barbara Barron, & kelly tieger

      the book in a sentence

      Be What You Are will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead to a more fulfilling career that matches your talents and interests.

      why should you read it?

      Your perfect career is… a personality type away. This book will help you determine exactly what you are good at by finding out what your personality type is and what occupation is best for you, based on your result. Using different exercises and examples, this book will help you determine which path you need to take to be satisfied with your life and career.

      key takeaways

      1. Look at the ways you connect with the world to identify your personality type.
      2. Discover your optimal career path by considering your identity and what interests you.
      3. no matter how old you are, you can always change your occupation to something more fulfilling.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      7. jonathan haidt’s happiness hypothesis

      The Happiness Hypothesis Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “love and work are for people what water and sunlight are for plants”. — jonathan haidt

      the book in a sentence

      The Happiness Hypothesis is the most comprehensive analysis of how you can find happiness in our modern society, backed by a wealth of scientific research, real-life examples, and even a formula for happiness.

      why should you read it?

      If you want to understand happiness, but aren’t sure where to start, this might be a good place to start. there are many sayings about happiness that we could have used naturally, but are they still available today? Haidt’s book is provocative and looks at how traditional wisdom interacts with the modern world.

      key takeaways

      1. Surround yourself with the people you love the most and live by reciprocity.
      2. Do the work that matters to you.
      3. Find a partner who supports your side through sun and rain and allow yourself to be a part of something bigger.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      8. influence of robert cialdini

      Influence Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “Our best evidence of what people really feel and believe comes less from their words than from their deeds.” — roberto cialdini

      the book in a sentence

      Influence has been the go-to book for marketers since its launch in 1984, offering six key principles behind human influence and explaining them with countless practical examples.

      why should you read it?

      why do you and other people say “yes”? is it because someone is persuading you or is there another reason? Robert Cialdini explains in this book six principles that will help us not only to be better persuaders but also to understand the psychology behind this act. These principles will also help you discover what you need to be successful.

      key takeaways

      1. You can use the reciprocity bias to build a massive account of good karma.
      2. The scarcity bias works, because we hate missing out on opportunities.
      3. Make a little commitment to trigger your consistency bias and reach your goal.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books for sales and marketing

      9. the psychology of selling by brian tracy

      The Psychology of Selling Book Cover (Best Books on Psychology For Sales And Marketing)

      favorite quote

      “Help yourself warm up and prepare yourself mentally by repeating, ‘I feel happy! I feel healthy! I feel great!’ without immediately feeling happier and more confident.” ― brian tracy

      the book in a sentence

      The psychology of selling motivates you to work on your self-image and how you relate to customers so you can close more deals.

      why should you read it?

      how do you sell more? If this is a question for which you haven’t found an answer yet, this book can be of great help as it will give you enough ideas, strategies and techniques to make you sell faster and more, all in a more efficient way. road.

      key takeaways

      1. Use the power of your subconscious to be more successful.
      2. You will get more motivation and passion if you learn from the right people.
      3. Questions are the holy grail of discover the needs of customers and they will help you make more sales.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      10. malcolm gladwell’s turning point

      The Tipping Point Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “The key to good decision making is not knowledge. it is understanding. we are swimming in the first. we desperately lack the latter.” — malcolm gladwell

      the book in a sentence

      the tipping point explains how ideas spread like epidemics and how few elements need to come together to help an idea reach the point of critical mass, where its viral effect becomes unstoppable.

      why should you read it?

      It takes a tipping point to start something big, something that people will quickly adopt. something that is an idea or trend that spreads to the masses. and malcolm gladwell explains this idea in this bestseller, by looking at various ideas and trends, to find out what makes them so interesting, that people seem to fall for them instantly.

      key takeaways

      1. Once an idea reaches the tipping point, it spreads like wildfire.
      2. Three types of people are responsible for making ideas happen.
      3. no stickiness, no idea will never tip.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on emotions

      11. emotional intelligence by daniel goleman

      Emotional Intelligence Book Cover (Best Books on Psychology About Emotions)

      favorite quote

      “in a very real sense, we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels.” — daniel goleman

      the book in a sentence

      emotional intelligence explains the importance of emotions in your life, how they help and hurt your ability to navigate the world, followed by practical advice on how to improve your own emotional intelligence and why it is the key to leading a successful life .

      why should you read it?

      Does having a high IQ guarantee that you will be successful? According to Daniel Goleman, it takes a little more to reach the highest point of success, looking at how the two sides of our brain work together: the rational and the emotional. this book shows us how emotional intelligence determines various aspects of our lives and how it is also a way of being intelligent.

      key takeaways

      1. emotional intelligence is based on self-awareness and self-regulation.
      2. a high eq makes you healthier and more successful.
      3. you can improve your eq by mirroring others people’s body language and optimistic thinking.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      12. the error of discards by antonio r. damasio


      favorite quote

      “Willpower is just another name for the idea of ​​choosing long-term results over short-term results.” — Anthony R. damasio

      the book in a sentence

      the descartes error will help you understand why the argument that the mind and body are disconnected is false by using neuroscience and interesting case studies to identify how the body and our emotions play a vital role in logical thinking.

      why should you read it?

      “I think, therefore I am” can easily be considered one of Descartes’ most famous proclamations. but since its appearance it has made science concentrate more on the cognitive side of things than on the emotional one. antonio r. Damasio has written a provocative book that uses case studies to show that we need emotions not only to be rational but also to behave.

      key takeaways

      1. brain damage, such as that experienced by phineas gage when a stick was pierced through the head, gives us clues as to how the mind really works with the body.
      2. emotions are vital to our mind’s ability to function properly and think logically.
      3. Your brain uses feelings from past experiences to build somatic markers that help you make decisions faster.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on love and relationships

      13. men are from mars, women are from venus by john grey

      Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus Book Cover (Best Books on Psychology About Love And Relationships)

      favorite quote

      “when men and women are able to respect and accept their differences, then love has the opportunity to flourish”. — john grey

      the book in a sentence

      men are from mars, women are from venus helps you improve your relationships by identifying the key differences between men and women.

      why should you read it?

      men and women have different ways of communicating, although they are both human beings. This book is based on years of successful counseling and can help you figure out how to communicate with the man or woman sitting next to you without turning everything into a conflict. Is it just about accepting the differences of others? let’s find out!

      key takeaways

      1. women want men to listen to them while men want solutions to problems.
      2. men are motivated when they feel useful, women are inspired when they feel loved.
      3. women and men communicate differently and assign separate meanings to the same words.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      14. attached by dr. amir levine

      Attached Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “Most people are only as needy as their unmet needs.” -dr. amir levine

      the book in a sentence

      attached offers a scientific explanation for why some relationships thrive and take a clear path through life, while others crash and burn, based on the human need for attachment and the three different styles of attachment.

      why should you read it?

      what would you say your attachment style is, based on how you feel towards your partner? This book helps us understand our attachment style by giving us a little insight into the science behind love. Understanding your behavior in relation to each other will help you build a stronger and more satisfying bond with your partner.

      key takeaways

      1. everyone needs attachment, it is a prerequisite for a happy and healthy life.
      2. there are 3 different attachment styles, which one are you?
      3. the Effective communication is the best way to ensure your happiness in any relationship.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on personality

      15. personality is not permanent by benjamin hardy

      Personality Isn

      favorite quote

      “The only thing ‘special’ about those who transform themselves and their lives is the vision they have of their own future. the refusal to be defined by the past. they see something different and more meaningful and they never stop nurturing that vision.” — resistant baby

      the book in a sentence

      Personality Is Not Permanent will shatter your old beliefs that you are stuck with yourself, flaws and all, by identifying why the person you are is changeable and providing you with specific, practical steps to change.

      why should you read it?

      Do people change their attitudes and behaviors throughout their lives or do they stay the same constantly? According to psychologist Benjamin Hardy, the idea that people never change is quite wrong and keeps us from being who we should be. Offering practical advice and basing everything on science, this book is sure to catch your eye.

      key takeaways

      1. There are five destructive personality myths that lead to mediocrity and support the fixed mindset that holds you back.
      2. Your goals determine your personality and are the tool you need to change your identity.
      3. No matter who you were in the past or who you are now, you can improve the way you see yourself and transform your future.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      16. the personality runners by merve emre

      The Personality Brokers Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “To investigate the history of the myers-briggs type indicator, the world’s most popular personality inventory, is to court a kind of low-level paranoia. the files disappear. the tapes are erased. people start looking at you.” — merve emre

      the book in a sentence

      personality runners discover the true, though unscientific, origins of the myers-briggs type indicator personality test.

      why should you read it?

      There is one test that is used almost everywhere when it comes to determining someone’s personality, and that is the myers-briggs type indicator. This book focuses on discovering how a personality indicator became such a success, while also trying to put into perspective all the things that could influence us to be ourselves.

      key takeaways

      1. katherine briggs-myers and her daughter isabel myers based their personality test on the questionable principles of carl jung.
      2. briggs created his first personality test at a time when americans were ready to receive it, thus beginning the era of self-help writing.
      3. Although scientifically unsound, the myers-briggs-type indicator has its benefits and uses.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      17. the way back to you by ian morgan cron

      The Road Back to You Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “The enneagram doesn’t put you in a box. it shows you the box you’re already in and how to get out of it.” — ian morgan cron

      the book in a sentence

      the way back to you will teach you more about what kind of person you are by identifying the pros and cons of each personality type within the enneagram test.

      why should you read it?

      all human beings are wired differently, but at the same time, they all have positive and negative traits. This book focuses on the Enneagram, which is an ancient system of personality types and can help you learn more about yourself. Packed with stories, this book will help you discover how to come to a deeper understanding of who we are as people by immersing ourselves in the spiritual side of things.

      key takeaways

      1. There are nine personality types in the enneagram.
      2. You may feel that your personal traits fall into several types, which is why the test has what are known as numbers wing to provide you with additional information. clarity.
      3. Each number on the test has corresponding stress and safety numbers to help you better understand how you react in different circumstances.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on anxiety and depression

      18. my age of anxiety by scott stossel

      My Age of Anxiety Book Cover (Best Books on Psychology About Anxiety And Depression)

      favorite quote

      “It is a fact, I speak from experience, that being very anxious is depressing. Anxiety can hinder your relationships, impair your performance, restrict your life, and limit your possibilities.” —scott stossel

      the book in a sentence

      My Age of Anxiety is your guide to understanding an aspect of mental illness that most of us don’t realize is so serious, showing its biological and environmental origins and ways to treat it.

      why should you read it?

      When would you say you heard the term “anxiety” for the first time? you may conclude that thirty-odd years ago, this was not considered a diagnosis, whereas today it has become one of the most common mental illness diagnoses. stossel gives us an idea of ​​how anxiety affects people and how to control it at the same time.

      key takeaways

      1. This disease can make life difficult and embarrassing.
      2. Anxiety comes from evolution, but it is also the result of our childhood experiences.
      3. To treat this form of mental illness, you can use medication and therapy.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      19. lost connections by johann hari

      Lost Connections Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “the more you think life is about having things and superiority and showing them off, the more unhappy, depressed and anxious you will be”. — johann hari

      the book in a sentence

      lost connections explains why depression affects so many people and that improving our relationships, not taking medication, is the way to beat our mental health issues.

      why should you read it?

      One of the most common mental illnesses today is depression. Despite the fact that there are many people who suffer from depression, it is still not clear what causes it: is it a chemical imbalance or is it the way we live today? lost connections shares different stories, from different groups to help us better understand how depression works and how we can fight it.

      key takeaways

      1. Depression is not the result of a chemical imbalance.
      2. There are nine main causes of depression, and they all have to do with difficult life circumstances.
      3. social prescriptions help people feel valued and connected while medications do not.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      20. reasons to stay alive by matt haig

      Reasons to Stay Alive Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “the world is increasingly designed to bring us down. happiness is not very good for the economy. if we were happy with what we had, why would we need more? — matt haig

      the book in a sentence

      Reasons to Stay Alive shows you the dangers and difficulties surrounding mental illness, uncovers the stigma that surrounds it, and identifies how to recover by sharing the story of matt haig’s recovery from a terrible panic attack and the subsequent battle against depression and anxiety. .

      why should you read it?

      There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, or at least, this is one of the most important things that people have to understand. living with depression is not an easy thing to do, whether you are affected or someone close to you, and matt haig knows it, since he also suffers from depression. he has written this frank but uplifting book that reminds us that little things count and that life must be lived, for better or worse.

      key takeaways

      1. If you’re depressed, reading books to get out of your own head can help.
      2. There are some benefits to mental illness, which even some of the world’s greatest leaders experienced.
      3. Recovery may not be as easy as you think, but it is possible.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      21. crazy first of s. nassir ghaemi

      A First Rate Madness Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “in times of crisis, it is better to be guided by mentally ill leaders than mentally normal leaders”. — cal newport

      the book in a sentence

      A First Class Madness shares the stories of many world leaders and explains how they prevailed despite their mental illnesses and struggles, showing you how to turn your psychological handicaps into leadership strengths.

      why should you read it?

      The world has had many remarkable leaders up to this point, but what do they all have in common when a critical moment unfolds? Analyzing leaders such as Gandhi, Churchill, and JFK, and not only, Ghaemi has discovered that what is considered a mood disorder can be a very important quality for a leader. Are you curious to know more about this topic?

      key takeaways

      1. depression and bipolar disorder have benefits that can be helpful in leadership positions.
      2. historical leaders like gandhi, martin luther king jr., winston churchill and jfk had disorders that helped them to improve decisions..
      3. Knowing the advantages of mental illnesses can help us eliminate the stigma that surrounds them.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on society

      22. social by matthew d. liebermann

      Social Book Cover (Best Psychology Books About Society)

      favorite quote

      “It’s hard to find meaning in what we do if on some level it doesn’t help someone else or make someone else happier.” Matthew D. liebermann

      the book in a sentence

      Social explains how our innate drive to build social connections is the primary driver behind our behavior and explores ways we can use this knowledge to our advantage.

      why should you read it?

      Human beings are social creatures, and that is a well-known fact. but what is a lesser known fact is the extent to which we can be considered “social”. according to matthew lieberman, the need for human beings to connect seems to be even more fundamental than our need for shelter or food. If you want to learn more about our need to socialize and connect with other people, this book might be for you.

      key takeaways

      1. We were programmed to connect socially, which is why social pain hurts so much.
      2. The ability to understand the feelings and thoughts of others helps us succeed in life.
      3. Kindness, not money, will buy you happiness and health.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      23. the social animal of david brooks

      The Social Animal Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “Successful people tend to find a goal in the distant future and then pursue it through thick and thin. school asks students to be good at a variety of subjects, but life asks people to find a passion that they will follow forever.” —David Brooks

      the book in a sentence

      The Social Animal weaves social science research into the story of a fictional couple to shed light on the decision-making power of our unconscious minds.

      why should you read it?

      what would you say about a mix of fiction and non-fiction? Because that’s exactly what David Brooks is doing in this book: he creates a couple who live their lives to the fullest. Using various scientific references, Brooks analyzes the traits of both characters and puts into perspective the elements that made them who they are and what led to it.

      key takeaways

      1. Learning is not linear, it is a process of steps forwards, backwards and sideways.
      2. Changing the environment is more effective than willpower when cultivating new habits and behaviors.
      3. Humans follow seven unconscious frameworks, so-called if/then rules, when framing a decision.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on language

      24. words can change your brain by andrew b. newberg

      Words Can Change Your Brain Book Cover (Best Psychology Books About Language)

      favorite quote

      “Choose your words wisely, because they will influence your happiness, your relationships, and your personal wealth.” — Andrew B. newberg

      the book in a sentence

      Words Can Change Your Brain is the definitive guide to becoming a skilled communicator, teaching you how to use psychology to your advantage to express yourself better, listen more, and build trust with anyone you talk to.


      why should you read it?

      See Also: 18 Sites that Send Free Books by Mail – DealTrunk

      People spend a lot of time with other people every day. but that doesn’t necessarily make them the best communicators, as there is always something more to learn about how we can get our points across. This book will help you improve your communication skills to be happy and successful, no matter what environment you have to use them in.

      key takeaways

      1. If you want to better connect with others when you speak, make sure your mind is relaxed, present, and calm.
      2. Use the power of happy memories to get your perfect smile.
      3. You should listen well, speak more slowly and even say less to better understand others and to be understood.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      25. The Secret Life of Pronouns by James W. baker

      The Secret Life of Pronouns Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “if you want to find your true love, compare the way you use function words with those of your potential partners…” — james w. pennebaker

      the book in a sentence

      The Secret Life of Pronouns is a collection of research and case studies that explain what our use of pronouns, articles, and other words of style can reveal about ourselves.

      why should you read it?

      the way we speak gives an idea of ​​who we are and how we think. Or at least, that’s what Pennebaker discovered in his research: the words we use have a deeper meaning and can have enough meaning to allow us to immerse ourselves in the feelings we have and not just. If you’re curious about how the words we use relate to the way we think, the secret life of pronouns might help.

      key takeaways

      1. the way you use style words reveals a lot about your social skills.
      2. your choice of pronouns reflects your upbringing and ways of thinking.
      3. function of test words can tell if people are compatible with each other.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on happiness

      26. stumbling on happiness by dan gilbert

      Stumbling on Happiness Book Cover (Best Psychology Books About Happiness)

      favorite quote

      “The secret to happiness is variety, but the secret to variety, like the secret to all spices, is knowing when to use it.” — dan gilbert

      the book in a sentence

      Stumbling on Happiness examines our brain’s ability to fill in gaps and simulate experiences, shows how our lack of awareness of these powers sometimes leads us to wrong decisions, and how we can change our behavior to synthesize our own happiness.

      why should you read it?

      We imagine many things every day, but above all we imagine the future, mainly creating scenarios. Using the latest discoveries in psychology, economics, and cognitive neuroscience, Daniel Gilbert provides us with not only a brilliant but also an accessible book that will put into perspective the fact that we tend to know very little about ourselves and the people around us.

      key takeaways

      1. Your brain is really bad at filling in the blanks, but keep trying.
      2. You should always compare products based on value, never previous price.
      3. bad experiences are better than no experience at all.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      27. bloom by martin seligman

      Flourish Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “I am trying to broaden the scope of positive psychology far beyond the smiley face. happiness is only a fifth of what human beings choose to do.” — Martin Seligman

      the book in a sentence

      flourish establishes a new model of wellness, rooted in positive psychology, based on five key pillars to help you create a happy life through the power of simple exercises.

      why should you read it?

      how can you flourish? Well, the answers you’re looking for may be within the pages of this book, written by Martin Seligman, one of the founding fathers of what’s called “Happiness Research.” Focusing on positive psychology, this book will help you realize that psychology is more than just helping people with their suffering: it’s a tool to help you build your life for the better.

      key takeaways

      1. seligman’s permanent model of happiness is the key to a life of deep fulfillment.
      2. simple exercises in positivity can have life-changing effects, like these two.
      3. iq is not everything: success is based on character traits, not just intelligence.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on decision making

      28. malcolm gladwell blink

      Blink Book Cover (Best Psychology Books About Decision-Making)

      favorite quote

      “The key to good decision making is not knowledge. it is understanding. we are swimming in the first. we desperately lack the latter.” — malcolm gladwell

      the book in a sentence

      blink explains what happens when you listen to your gut, why these snap judgments are often so much more efficient than conscious deliberation, and how to prevent your intuition from leading you to wrong assumptions.

      why should you read it?

      what lies behind every decision we make? Why do some people choose something in the blink of an eye, while others spend a lot of time figuring out what to choose? blink helps us understand the mechanism behind decision making and the decisions themselves. If you want to better understand your mind and its mechanisms, Malcolm Gladwell’s book will help you.

      key takeaways

      1. Your unconscious is the world’s fastest information filter.
      2. Stress can throw off your gut.
      3. Put screens in situations you can’t trust your intuition .

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      29. the paradox of choice by barry schwartz

      The Paradox of Choice Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “The secret of happiness is low expectations”. – barry schwartz

      the book in a sentence

      The paradox of choice shows you how today’s plethora of options frustrates you, makes you less likely to choose, more likely to make mistakes, and less happy in general, before giving you concrete strategies and advice to ease the burden of decision making. .

      why should you read it?

      We live in a world where choice is no longer an issue: at least from a quantity perspective. And that’s where it gets tricky: This abundance of options can make us feel overwhelmed and can even lead to anxiety. So how do we end up making the right decisions? Barry Schwartz offers us practical advice that will help us not only make the right decision, but also be happy with the decisions we make.

      key takeaways

      1. The more options you have, the more difficult it will be to decide and decide well.
      2. The more options you have, the less happy you will be, no matter what you decide. .
      3. good enough is best: become a satisfier.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on human behavior and cognitive biases

      30. Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me by Carol Tavris Mistakes Were Made Book Cover (Best Psychology Books About Human Behavior And Cognitive Biases)

      favorite quote

      “history is written by the victors, but it is the victims who write the memories”. — carol tavris

      the book in a sentence

      Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me takes you on a journey of famous examples and areas of life where mistakes are hushed up rather than admitted, showing you along the way how this hinders progress, why we do it in first place. , and what you can do to start honestly admitting yours.

      why should you read it?

      Ever since we’re young, all we do is hide. Of course, it’s not just about the game of hide and seek, but about hiding mistakes. Even as adults, we hate to admit that we’ve made a mistake. but the question is why do we act like this? This book will take you through the mechanisms in our brain that make us not admit our mistakes and gives enough tips to help you be a man and admit your mistakes.

      key takeaways

      1. you make up self-justifications to deal with the cognitive dissonance your mistakes create.
      2. confirmation bias can lead you to change your whole morale.
      3. stop thinking about you are stupid for making mistakes.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      31. the plain truth about dishonesty by dan ariely

      The Honest Truth About Dishonesty Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “The less effective our society becomes, the more our moral compass slips.” — dan ariely

      the book in a sentence

      The plain truth about dishonesty reveals our motivation behind cheating, why it’s not entirely rational, and, according to many experiments, what we can do to lessen the conflict between wanting to get ahead and being a good person.

      why should you read it?

      Are people 100% honest or do they all have at least a little tendency to cheat? Dishonesty is the main concern of this book, and according to bestselling author Dan Ariely, there is some motivation behind cheating, and sometimes it’s not rational. Fascinated by the way human beings make decisions, Ariely has once again investigated how irrationality might influence what we do, including in terms of cheating.

      key takeaways

      1. You don’t decide to cheat based on rational thought.
      2. You are more likely to cheat when there is a psychological distance between you and the cheat.
      3. no no wear fake designer clothes. never.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      32. swap for chip & dan heath

      Switch Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “Knowledge does not change behavior. We’ve all come across crazy psychiatrists, obese doctors, and divorced marriage counselors.” – chip and amplifier; dan heath

      the book in a sentence

      switch is about how you can lead and foster changes in human behavior, both in yourself and in your organization, by focusing on the three forces that influence you: the rider, the elephant, and the road.

      why should you read it?

      changing may not be the easiest thing to do. sometimes we cannot do it, because it is not something that depends on us, while other times we refuse to do it because we are afraid of the result. chip and dan heath wrote this book that tackles exactly that challenge: that of change, and they want to help us understand what we can do when change is hard, in an entertaining and engaging way.

      key takeaways

      1. focus on a specific and critical aspect of the change, so the rider doesn’t have to decide.
      2. make the elephant move with powerful emotion.
      3. make the path of change easy to follow, because human behavior is highly situational.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      best psychology books on negative thinking

      33. oliver burkeman’s antidote

      The Antidote Book Cover (Best Psychology Books About Negative Thinking)

      favorite quote

      “The effort to feel happy is often precisely what makes us feel miserable. constant efforts to eliminate the negative, that is what makes us feel so insecure, anxious, insecure or unhappy.” —oliver burkeman

      the book in a sentence

      the antidote will explain everything that is wrong with positivity-based self-help tips and what you should do to feel, live and be happier.

      why should you read it?

      How happy would you say you are right now? How happy would you be if it started to rain or snow? These two questions are just two examples of a long list of questions about happiness: we are all looking for it, but it seems to be something quite difficult to achieve. And according to Oliver Burkeman, positive thinking may not always be the answer. Are you ready to try some of the unconventional methods this book proposes?

      key takeaways

      1. explicitly thinking about happiness and directly pursuing it is actually counterproductive.
      2. imagining the worst case scenario makes you resilient, not depressed.
      3. goal setting is the same as likely to lead us to misery as it is to bring happiness.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.

      34. the bright side of your dark side by todd kashdan

      The Upside of Your Dark Side Book Cover

      favorite quote

      “When we are open to new possibilities, we find them. be open and skeptical of everything.” — todd kashdan

      the book in a sentence

      the silver lining of your dark side takes a look at our darkest emotions, like anxiety or anger, and shows you that there are real benefits that follow them and their underlying character traits, like narcissism or psychopathy.

      why should you read it?

      Are the positive things that happen in your life the only ones meant to take you away and help you live a better life? Or is it necessary for us to also go through negative emotions and learn to embrace our sadness or anger? Drawing on years of research, this book helps us understand that the full range of emotions can help us change our lives.

      key takeaways

      1. happiness can interfere with your performance.
      2. guilt is good, shame is shit.
      3. mindfulness affects you.

      See Also: The Different Genres Of Nonfiction: A Complete Guide – Jericho Writers

      If you’d like to learn more, you can read our free four-minute summary or grab a copy for yourself.


      We love psychology because it’s one of the most practical fields you can study. human relationships live entirely in the realm of psychology. therefore, everything you learn about it will help you to deal better with other people and with yourself. our lives have changed for the better after studying these books. we know yours will too.

      It is not easy to understand your thoughts and emotions. But when you do, you unlock new potential for better living than you ever imagined possible. The more you learn about psychology, the better you’ll be able to recognize the thoughts and feelings that bring you down so you can learn to overcome them and live a happier, healthier life.

      What would be the first thing one should know in terms of psychology and how would it benefit oneself and others? let us know!

      other book lists

      Looking for more of the best books on various topics? here are all the book lists we’ve made for you so far:

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