Categories for Self Help or How-to Book |

self help why 1There are many reasons why people want to write these types of books. Some want to write these books to be a best-selling author, or maybe because they want to sell through an eBook method such as Amazon and the Kindle method, or maybe it’s just because they believe they have a great idea they want to share with other people. Yet others may have a business and will use these types of books to help them sell a product which can be advantageous. Whichever reason you decide to write a book, having a self help or how to book can be rewarding and you can end up with a winning result. Just remember that no matter what reasons drive you to write this book; it’s going to take time and most likely several drafts to complete.

Once you’ve established trust with your reader, they’ll believe in your book and recommend it to others. Before you know it, you may have a bestseller on your hands. Selling books is about building relationships, just like any other business. Selling self-help and how-to books is no different from selling fiction and other genres. succeeding in writing is first having the desire to write, setting the time to do it, and then focusing on completing it. there is no quick magic. In a nutshell, it’s really about how committed you are to writing.

You are reading: Types of self help books

five categories of self-help books or instructions

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Industry publishers classify self-help or how-to books into these five basic categories. they are:

  • a step-by-step type book
  • a progression (evolution of some kind) type book
  • a recovery book
  • an exercise – type book
  • a component-based book
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A step-by-step book is a book that describes how to complete something by giving details from a to z. Examples of these types of books would be how to build a dollhouse, how to organize your closet, or how to lose weight without exercising. this is related to following a plan or program to obtain an end result.

a progression type book is how a person may have evolved into a different stage of their life or a process where they made a discovery of some kind. includes a writer’s vision through an evolutionary process; therefore, some type of change occurred: significant, small, internal or external. The examples in these books may show a person who is not very accepting of other people and cultures due to being raised in a narrow-minded and narrow-minded family, but eventually changes through travel and assimilation into cultures. Or it could be a book about a person who doesn’t really like dogs and then has to rely on one due to hearing loss. this is related to the development of another mental stage or process, usually through small gradual changes.

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a recovery type book is based on a person recovering from something. Examples of these types of books are how to recover from alcoholism or how to recover from drug addiction or some other type of obsessive behavior. these books are written to help a person repair or heal through some type of recovery process.

an exercise book is based on taking a person through an end result by following a certain process or exercise to develop a certain set of skills. for example, if a person is claustrophobic, they may have to do certain things to overcome it. this would require the ability to overcome fear and anxiety by using “anchoring” techniques (anchoring is simply using mind and speech techniques to access your neurological system to link feelings with experience). writing a book on how to overcome claustrophobia would fall into this category.

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A component type book is a book that shows a person how to deal with certain parts of a topic or problem that is usually complex in nature. an example would be a book on how to parent more successfully. As you can see, this is a very complex topic and would probably be too big to cover the entire spectrum. a more reasonable approach would be to break this down into several sections, such as early parenting, or teen parenting, or maybe even adult parenting.

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