10 Best Book Reading Trackers – Basmo

Most of us don’t realize the importance of a book reading tracker, at least not until we find ourselves in a situation where we come across a book and can’t remember if we’ve read it or just we take a look at it. at the bookstore or newsstand.

In this article, we’ll look at the importance of book tracking, how to keep track of the books you read, and what effective book tracking methods you can use so you can ultimately take your reading to the next level effortlessly. . .

You are reading: App to keep track of books read

While the choice is obvious to us in terms of the best method for keeping track of books to read, we’ll present several options so you can make your own choice. Using a reading app like basmo has a variety of benefits, but feel free to read on to understand how other methods work and why we think basmo is the way to go.

the agony! a self-proclaimed bookworm, standing right in the middle of your favorite bookstore, scratching your head as your brain goes into overdrive because it’s trying so hard to remember some of the books you’ve read.

so annoying, right? Well, believe it or not, this is a common condition that most bookworms struggle with who know that reading books makes you smarter.

The average American, for example, reads or looks at more than 100,000 words a day. Without some sort of reading tracking system, remembering some of the titles you’ve read in the past is an uphill task. and this is just about the titles! How about you remember the key information from all the books you read?

Some people have a somewhat mild “forgetting curve,” while others experience a steeper one, making it hard to remember books, plots, or even characters. But while you can argue that certain books may not have been interesting enough to remember and are therefore forgettable, the least you can do is remember reading them, right?

what is book tracking?

Book tracking is a tactic that helps bookworms around the world keep track of all the books they read and also allows them to keep some of those memories fresh in their minds.

book tracking is nothing new. people have done it ever since reading became commonplace. they wrote down the titles of the books they read and sometimes even some key facts about each book or some favorite quotes.

the key difference between us and the “early” bookworms is that they would do it with pencil and paper. Today, you don’t have to sacrifice an entire bookshelf just to store your physical journals and reading notebooks. you can do everything digitally and much more easily.

why should i start keeping track of the books i read?

We all benefit from keeping track of our books in different ways. These are some of the most common:

  1. organize your reading lists. makes it easy to remember what you’ve read in the past, what you’re currently reading, and what books you plan to read in the future.
  2. reach your reading goals . Tracking the books you read also helps you reach your reading goals a little faster and in a structured way. it will also help you monitor your progress and motivate you to read more or even expand your reading niche.
  3. improve your memory. our memory is not always as reliable as we would like it to be. it’s not personal, it’s just how our brain is wired. The good news is that with a little help, your memory can improve, at least when it comes to the books you’ve read.
  4. become a great resource to others . By keeping track of the books you’ve read, you become a great resource for other readers. this is particularly beneficial if you belong to a book club or have friends or family who are just starting to read books. you can comfortably recommend different books that they will find interesting and insightful.
  5. achieving your milestones. keeping track of what you have read in the past also gives you a sense of accomplishment. Reading books doesn’t come naturally to most of us. With so much going on in our lives, finding time to sit down and read a couple of chapters is a huge challenge. so when you look back and see how many books you’ve managed to read over time despite these challenges, you’ll definitely appreciate those milestones.
  6. become a better reader . book tracking will make you a better reader and even improve your book analysis skills. this way you can easily identify your biases and empower yourself to start reading outside of your comfort zone.
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what is a book reading tracker?

A book reading log is a digital tool designed to help you keep track of all the books you have read, are currently reading, or plan to read in the future.

With a book reading tracker app, your reading experience can be significantly improved as you fully immerse yourself in books without necessarily worrying that you might forget about the experience or even the book itself.

so, a good book tracker app helps you free up much needed memory space in your brain by taking care of this tedious but very important task.

I know: writing things in a notebook has its charm. but it’s 2022 – a reading tracker app is a must for bookworms. With dozens of amazing books being published daily, keeping track of what you want to read becomes quite difficult.

So, if you’re worried about developing a healthy reading habit, it’s about time you say goodbye to those hastily written reading lists on post-it notes and leave that task to technology.

no, you don’t have to say goodbye to your precious notebooks. just think of your digital book tracker as a central hub that keeps all the information related to your books neatly organized. you can jot down your favorite quotes or other key information from the books you’ve read in any medium you like. but it is always useful to have a centralized database.

A book reading tracker like basmo can significantly improve your book reading experience and help you reach your reading goals.

how to use a book tracking app to keep track of your reading

How many books do you plan to read this year? A simple answer to this question would be to randomly pick a number based on how many books you read in the previous year or two.

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While this is still cool, this age-old tactic isn’t based on any scientific method of book-reading planning, and to be brutally honest, it can be an epic fail, an outcome that can put you off forever from pursuing your book. favorite book. leisure activity.

This is where a book tracker comes in handy:

organize your books into lists

This is a feature that will come in handy especially if you like to read more than one type or genre of book. For example, you can divide your books by genre: romance novels, mysteries, short stories, etc. or you can divide them into books you read for pleasure and books you read for work or school.

keep track of the books you’ve read

This is perhaps the most important function of a reading tracker app: helping you remember what you’ve read and how you felt about each book you read. did you like it or did you hate it? did it excite you? what is your favorite quote from each book?

don’t worry. you don’t have to write all this by hand.

track your reading time

How much time did you spend reading today? could you spend more tomorrow? And how long does it take you to finish an average novel?

A good reading tracker app should be able to help you answer all these questions and more at a glance, on your dashboard.

read statistics

reading goals

what are the best reading log apps?

The internet is packed with dozens of book tracking apps, making it a bit difficult to choose the right reading tracker. However, despite the growing number of book reading tracking apps, only a few stand out and offer a decent book tracking experience.

Below is a short list of notable reading log applications and methods worth mentioning.

1. basmus

basmo is a book tracker designed for lovers of all kinds of books; You can also track ebooks and audiobooks so everything on your reading list is safe with this app. basmo has a free version that you can use forever (it’s not a time-limited free trial), so it’s also great for book lovers on a tight budget.

This is the ideal book reading tracker for those looking to become better and more accomplished readers.

With basmo, you can track your reading progress, view your personalized book stats, analytics and advice on your reading behavior, track your book reading goals, as well as design and select inspirational quotes and motivating. how cool is that?

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2. good reads

this is another popular book tracker. this is particularly common among readers who are constantly looking for new books to read or just looking for summaries. however, when it comes to keeping track of your actual reading and protecting valuable information from each book you’ve read, it leaves a bit to be desired.

luckily for you, this isn’t the only option and there are actually a large selection of good alternative reads, many of which are much better.

3. book

bookly, marketed as the best reading assistant, is a reading app released a couple of years ago. while the number of books you can track at a time is only 10 in the free version, this changes to unlimited as soon as you become a premium user.

Some users have complained that the app is glitchy at times and that the library of books available on bookly lacks many important titles. while it’s clearly not the best option, it does what it’s supposed to to some extent.

4. the storyboard

With a fairly intuitive algorithm and a book tracker clearly inspired by goodreads, the storygraph is the preferred solution for certain readers to keep track of their reading habits.

what stands out about the storygraph is its ability to make book recommendations based on books read in the past and even based on your mood.

however, it is quite lacking, both in terms of features and functionality. For example, even though it actually comes as an app for iOS and Android users, this is just a mere illusion. the apps actually open the exact same website platform that you would access directly from a browser, and have no special design, no extra features, being basically a form of direct access to the main website.

5. book breeze

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While some users have described this reading app as “essential” in reference to its looks and number of features, Book Breeze does what it’s supposed to do.

However, it doesn’t do much else, making it one of the least wanted book tracking methods on our list.

6. reading list

Another fairly basic reading app, the Reading List has been used by people all over the world to get their reading habits in order.

While the book tracking feature works fine, other features have been reported to perform quite poorly, giving inaccurate statistics or not working at all. Furthermore, although the app is free, users will need to pay for most of the important features.

In addition to book tracking apps, there are other ways to keep track of the books you’ve read or plan to read. here are the most popular ones:

7. the spreadsheet method

This is a common reading tracking method that saves readers the trouble of memorizing all the books they have read. it is, perhaps, the first digital solution that follows the old notebook and pen.

You can use a spreadsheet program hosted locally on your computer or a cloud-hosted option like Google Sheets. the advantage of the latter is that you can also access the list from any device, as well as customize it to include elements that you want to highlight in the books.

You can create your own spreadsheet, or you can use one of these book tracking spreadsheet templates (all you need to do is click file,thenmake a copy to save your own version to your google drive):

  • voracious reader template
  • your words my ink template
  • smart bitches, junk books template
  • romance junkies template

However, using spreadsheets is time-consuming when first set up, and even more complicated if you have no idea how spreadsheets work in the first place.

8. notions reading tracking system template

Another interesting book tracking method is the predefined notion template designed for this particular task. it’s a method that has worked well for some readers, but the fact that the notion as a whole was designed with an entirely different purpose in mind is obvious from the start.

The notions book tracking template is quite difficult to set up and can be challenging to use, especially once the number of books you add starts to grow beyond a certain number. we have all the love for notion as a project management tool, but it’s really not up to par with dedicated reading apps, let alone basmo.

9. specialized websites

Some readers prefer to look for book crawlers that are only available in browsers. they are easy to access from both a desktop and a mobile device. here are some of the most popular book tracking websites.

  • libib
  • lazy books
  • litsy
  • candl
  • scribd
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As you’ll probably realize early on if you decide to use any of these, they’re not ideal. Having a dedicated app has many benefits in terms of accessibility, number of features, and even security, while using websites can become quite inconvenient.

10. reading journals (printable or physical)

Another option is to stay true to the old ways of doing things. That means keeping a reading journal can be an effective method of keeping track of books to some extent. It’s not ideal, but we have to admit that it has a certain appeal.

Several options are available for those who decide to go with this paper-and-pencil method of book tracking:

  • using a printable template for your journal. pinterest and etsy have a plethora of templates available to choose from.
  • buy a readily available physical newspaper. It’s obviously the easier of these two, but it comes at a cost and leaves a lot to be desired in terms of customization options.

how to choose the best book tracking app

Not sure how to choose the best book tracking app? we understand! there are quite a few options available and it can be difficult to navigate between them.

Here’s a tip that’s worked for avid readers around the world: Instead of fitting your reading habits to one app, why not get the app that’s designed for your routine from the start? this means you can easily do without the most popular book tracking apps and find something that suits your needs.

start by looking for book tracking apps that have a few key features:

  1. keep track of the books you’ve read for years. so you can easily see what you have read and when. Your book lists can be organized by year for a helpful overview of your reading progress.
  2. Keep track of different types of books. such as ebooks, audiobooks, or print books. A good book tracking app should offer an option to keep track of all of these types of books. It will help you remember what kind of books you have read and which ones you enjoyed the most. For example, you might like the audiobook experience of a novel, but would rather have a print book for required school reading.
  3. Keep track of what you’re currently reading or plan your next read. this will help you use book statuses (or lists) to organize and keep track of your current and upcoming reading. in the basmo app, we have some concepts that are very helpful for readers: current reading – for avid readers they are reading some books at the same time. With this feature, you can easily track what you are reading now. I want to read: A list you can use to keep track of books you’d love to read in the future. to be read : A short list of books you plan to read next.
  4. set bookmarks. this will help you keep track of how far you are in the book. you will know your progress with the book, how many pages you have read or how many pages you have left to read. plus, it will be much easier for you to resume your reading from the page (minute/percentage) where you left off.
  5. ability to track your reading goals. You should be able to easily set goals and see stats and your progress at a glance on your dashboard. With Basmo, for example, you can set daily and yearly goals. you can track your reading progress in the goals section of the app. Also, by tracking the books you have read, we can predict whether or not you will achieve your goal at the end of the allotted time.
  6. Track your reading time. By tracking your reading time, you can keep track of the time spent reading a book. better yet, it will get information about your reading speed and predict how much time you have left to finish a book. Based on this data, you can create and improve your reading habits.

finishing things up

Remembering the books, newspapers, and magazines you’ve read over time is an essential part of the reading and knowledge-gaining experience. If you want to enjoy reading without the pain of trying to remember all the books you’ve read (the good, the bad, and the ugly), a book reading tracker is what you need.

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