7 books for Ayurveda students – Ekhart Yoga

Whether you’re just beginning to explore Ayurveda or know your dosha inside out, these books provide excellent introductions and deeper insights into the world of Ayurveda and how to apply it to everyday life.

ayurveda: the science of self-healing by dr.vasant lad

vasant lad is probably the best known ayurvedic author in both east and west. He has been a practitioner and professor of Ayurvedic medicine for over 15 years and, for the past four years, has directed the only full-time Ayurvedic study program in the US. uu. re new to the concept of ayurveda. The principles are clearly presented and there are many examples of different ways to recognize balance and imbalance within the body.

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You will find many practical tips for achieving balance, as well as a detailed chart of the different foods and spices that may or may not be beneficial for your personal dosha. tastes, elements, treatments and therapies are discussed in an accessible and easy to understand way.

ayurveda and the mind by dr. david frawley

after vasant lad, david frawley is considered one of the most knowledgeable western experts on ayurveda. This book takes an in-depth look at Ayurveda and focuses on the physical, mental, and emotional elements of Ayurveda.

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Adding a deeper layer of understanding of the workings of the mind from an Ayurvedic point of view, there are also different tests to determine physical and mental constitutions (or “mind-body types”). recommended for those who have a little knowledge about ayurveda, as they will be able to delve into ayurvedic psychology with this book.

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the chopra center: deepak chopra & David Simon

Combining Eastern wisdom and Ayurvedic knowledge with Western science, this is a book for those who wish to learn about the uses and effects of different herbs. everything from aloe vera to gurmar, boswellia and tea tree is covered with a host of herbs both familiar and unusual. The book provides practical advice, precautions, and how the herb is viewed from an Ayurvedic perspective.

ayurveda and marma therapy: energy points in yogic healing by dr. David Frawley, Dr. Subhash Ranade and Dr. avinash lele

For those with a background in massage or acupuncture, or a keen interest in how the body responds to physical touch, this is a wonderful book for self-care as well as helping others.

The many different points are explained with their relationship to Ayurvedic body types, elements, anatomical structures and subtle energy. useful for relieving physical discomfort, promoting relaxation and also as focus points for meditation, this is more of a reference guide than a book to read in its entirety, so some understanding of ayurveda, meridian lines is helpful or energy points.

ayurveda for women by robert svoboda

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a charming and accessible book from a wonderfully poetic author. Robert Svoboda has many interesting lectures online and has written other insightful books like Aghora to the Left Hand of God and The Hidden Secret of Ayurveda. an expert in his field, svoboda has written this book as a way to guide women to listen to their intuition and nurture their divine nature. Focusing on the progressive chapters of a woman’s life, there are also many useful and practical tips. Suitable for those with little or a lot of Ayurvedic knowledge, this is an accessible and enjoyable read.

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kate o’donnell’s everyday ayurveda cookbook

There are a growing number of Ayurvedic cookbooks available these days, and this one is particularly easy to follow and understand as it has a strong Western influence.

kate o’donnell is an ashtanga yoga teacher, nationally certified ayurvedic practitioner, and ayurvedic yoga specialist. Her book offers recipes, lifestyle guidelines and tips, all related to the seasons. Diet is a very important aspect of Ayurveda and this is a great book to start with if you are interested in Ayurvedic cooking.

the complete book of ayurvedic home remedies: a complete guide to ancient healing from india by vasant lad

a detailed and comprehensive book, including diet and lifestyle guidelines, as well as seasonal tips. advice is given to suit each person’s dosha (mind and body type), and a large part of the book is devoted to the a-z section on diseases and remedies. excellent for anyone interested in natural health and healing and a fascinating read. useful to have and keep as a reference to be able to refer to throughout life.

We would also love to hear your recommendations. let us know in the comments below.

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