13 Best Conflict Resolution Books to Read for Work in 2022

You’ve found our list of the best conflict resolution books.

Conflict resolution books are guides that teach readers how to navigate interpersonal problems. These works cover topics such as mediation, negotiation, communication and de-escalation. the purpose of these books is to help professionals overcome disagreements and personality clashes, build trust, and practice better teamwork.

You are reading: Books on conflict resolution

These books are similar to problem-solving books, communication books, negotiation books, management books, and leadership books. these guides include conflict resolution activities.

this list includes:

  • workplace conflict resolution books
  • conflict resolution books for managers
  • negotiation and conflict resolution books
  • peace and conflict resolution books

here we go!

list of conflict resolution books

From new releases to best-selling classics, here’s a list of conflict resolution books to help you navigate workplace issues.

1. crucial conversations: tools for speaking up when the stakes are high by kerry patterson, joseph grenny, et al

Crucial conversations book cover

crucial conversations is a guide to having difficult discussions. The book demonstrates how to control impulses and maintain composure during emotional exchanges. This guide explains how to start or approach these conversations, how to stay calm in the moment, and how to steer the discussion to a productive end. the authors suggest techniques to make all parties feel comfortable and psychologically safe, and to reach a resolution that satisfies everyone involved. for example, “speak persuasively, not abrasively” and “stay focused on what you really want.” the book contains anecdotes showing these tactics in action. Crucial Conversations is the definitive conflict communication guide.

starred quote: “when conversations go from routine to crucial, we’re often in trouble. that’s because emotions don’t exactly prepare us to converse effectively. countless generations of genetic makeup drive humans to handle conversations crucial with flying fists and swift feet, not with clever persuasion and gentle attention.”

read crucial conversations.

2. the anatomy of peace: resolving the heart of the conflict by the arbiger institute

The anatomy of peace book cover

The Anatomy of Peace is one of the best books on peace and conflict resolution of all time. This paper focuses on the causes of the conflict and argues that by understanding the driving forces behind the disagreement, the participants can arrive at a more satisfactory solution. the text urges readers to examine the undercurrents of the crisis, look within and become self-aware, get to the real root of the malaise, and move towards peace. the authors deliver reflections on the nature of conflict and human behavior in the midst of crisis. The book is based on real-world examples, including global conflicts, and offers practical advice on how to deal with situations without creating more tension.

notable quote: “most wars between individuals are of the ‘cold’ rather than ‘hot’ variety: lingering resentment, eg, long-held grudges, resources seized rather than shared, help not offered These are the acts of war that most threaten our homes and workplaces.”

read the anatomy of peace: resolving the heart of the conflict.

3. the mediator’s handbook by dr. Jennifer E. doctorate in beer, caroline c. packard jd and others

The mediator

the mediator’s manual is a set of tools for resolving disagreements. The authors explore the full scope of mediation, from understanding the goals and standards of practice, to identifying whether or not a situation can truly benefit from mediation, to facilitating action and reaching a successful conclusion. The book breaks down each stage of the mediation process and provides detailed advice for monitoring the discussion and responding to resistance. the mediator’s manual helps neutral parties be prepared and react to change the discussion, and clarifies when facilitators should take control of the conversation or remain silent. the book is a step-by-step guide that helps mediators know how to act in each circumstance.

Notable quote: “In a broader context, mediation offers people a way to take charge of their own conflicts and solutions. mediation processes (or even skills) can help communities and organizations survive and benefit from their conflicts. mediation can strengthen working relationships and alliances. At its best, mediation strengthens democratic and collaborative efforts to meet people’s needs more effectively.”

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read the mediator manual.

4. Getting to Yes: Negotiating a Settlement Without Compromising by Roger Fisher, William L. ury and bruce patton

Getting to yes book cover

getting to yes is one of the best-selling conflict resolution books of all time. this guide shows leaders how to compromise without giving up too much ground. The authors draw on research from the Harvard Negotiation Project to offer insights and best practices for negotiating deals. The book recommends the optimal approach for each circumstance and shows when to give in and when to stand firm. Getting to Yes is a guide to resolving differences without reaching an agreement that offers mediators a model to satisfy both parties.

Notable quote: “Any method of negotiation can be fairly judged on three criteria: It must produce a sensible agreement if it is possible to reach an agreement. it must be efficient. and should improve or at least not harm the relationship between the parties.”

read getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in.

5. Getting to Zero: How to Overcome Conflict in Your High-Risk Relationships by Jayson Gaddis

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Getting to Zero book cover

Getting to Zero is a relationship-focused guide to dealing with disagreements. The book focuses on how to navigate the unrest that arises within close relationships and how conflict can test and strengthen these social bonds. Jayson Gaddis is a conflict consultant who advises people on interpersonal issues. The book is filled with his first-hand experience and wisdom, and contains entertaining stories that explore the likely reasons behind conflict and the most common reactions. The guide shows how to identify and react to triggers, listen and respond appropriately, and avoid pitfalls and pitfalls. Getting to Zero dissects the factors surrounding the conflict and offers a way to maintain and deepen your strongest relationships.

Notable quote: “If you don’t overcome adversity with other people, your relationships will never reach their potential and you will never know the magic of what a strong friendship or partnership looks like.”

read reach zero.

6. high conflict: why we got stuck and how we got out by amanda ripley

High Conflict book cover

high conflict is an exploration of divisive disputes. These kinds of confrontations create an “us versus them” mentality that resists peaceful resolution and makes the conflict a never-ending cycle. Amanda Riply examines the elements that create these situations and identifies effective methods for escaping these patterns and impulses. The book draws on some of the most extreme examples of major conflicts and shows how participants were able to overcome adversity and go from combatants to collaborators. high conflict feels especially relevant in today’s climate and can offer readers tools to bridge gaps and find common ground with seemingly more opposite opponents.

starred quote: “in healthy conflict, there is movement. questions are asked. curiosity exists. there may also be screaming. but healthy conflict leads somewhere. it feels more interesting to get to the other side than to stay on it. in high conflict, conflict is destiny. there is no other place to go.”

read high conflict.

7. Conflict Resolution Handbook: Practical Communication Skills to Prevent, Manage, and Resolve Conflict by Jeremy Pollack

Conflict resolution playbook book cover

dispute resolution guide is an instruction manual for dealing with disputes. the text emphasizes communication and shows how language can be key to obtaining the desired results. This comprehensive guide prepares mediators for possible responses and common problems, such as defensiveness in the face of criticism, gas lighters, and conflicts with superiors. The book offers strategies and tips for letting go of resentment, setting clear expectations with staff, and remaining calm and open-minded in the midst of disagreement. The Conflict Resolution Playbook teaches readers how to make listeners more receptive and willing to work together to solve the problem.

Notable quote: “Put simply, with trust comes peace, and with distrust comes avoidance and/or conflict. in this context, trust implies that our basic needs are supported; distrust implies that our basic needs are threatened.”

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read the conflict resolution manual.

8. Never Split the Difference: Negotiating Like Your Life Depends On It by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz

Never Split the Difference

never split the difference is one of the best negotiation and conflict resolution books for the workplace. Written by a former FBI hostage negotiator, this guide provides proven techniques for dissipating tension and gaining the upper hand in high-pressure situations. From building rapport and trust, to being mindful of language, to being persuasive without being aggressive, the author offers specific, practical advice on behavior in the heat of conflict. the book preaches an approach that appeals to the human psyche and establishes strategies with reliable results. Lessons from the author’s experiences have practical applications in the workplace and can help leaders deftly resolve the most tense confrontations.

Notable quote: “The beauty of empathy is that it doesn’t require you to agree with the other person’s ideas.”

read never split the difference.

9. The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving an Uncivilized One by Robert I. sutton

The no asshole rule book cover

the no asshole rule is one of the best books on conflict resolution in the workplace. This guide addresses not only how to respond to immediate conflict, but also how to prevent unnecessary conflict by creating a culture that doesn’t tolerate jerks. the book shows how to address problematic and toxic behavior and create an atmosphere that prioritizes respect. The no-asshole rule shows leaders how to reduce harm and achieve harmony by setting high standards for staff and confronting team members who violate standards of behavior.

Notable Quote: “As much as I believe in tolerance and fairness, I have never lost sleep over being unapologetically intolerant of anyone who refuses to show respect for those around them.”

read the no asshole rule.

10. critical accountability: tools for resolving violated expectations, broken commitments, and misconduct by kerry patterson, joseph grenny, et al

Crucial accountability book cover

Crucial responsibility comes from the very authors of crucial conversations. this delivery hits the heart of the behaviors that lead to conflict. the book explores the behaviors that serve as catalysts for conflict. the authors emphasize the need for accountability conversations, or discussions that get to the root of responsibility for conflicts. the book shows how to deal with problems without blame or defensiveness. As the title promises, the book provides tools to repair broken trust and disappointment, and return to a place of mutual respect and trustworthiness.

starred quote: “most of us have been disappointed or mistreated by others and have experienced both ineffective options: (1) perpetuate the problem by saying nothing and (2) speak up and create a new problem. As a result, we feel caught between two bad alternatives. we would like to say something, but not something abrasive or rude that could lead to an altercation.”

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read crucial responsibility.

11. hbr guide to dealing with conflict by amy gallo

HBR guide to dealing w conflict book cover

the hbr guide to dealing with conflict offers a crash course on how to deal with conflict in the workplace. the book shows that conflict is inevitable and can actually be beneficial. According to this guide, the mark of a healthy workplace is not one where teammates never disagree, but one where disagreements are resolved tactfully and carefully. This guide provides leaders with a roadmap for dealing with conflict and breaks down each stage of conflict in depth. The book prescribes practical actions to handle disputes and identifies the different elements at play in each situation. the author also adds anecdotes from her own experience to the narrative to illustrate effective or ineffective methods of dealing with problems.

notable quote: “…when handled well, conflict can have positive results: it can help you be more creative, generate new ideas, and even strengthen ties with your co-workers.”

read hbr’s guide to dealing with conflicts.

12. 101 tough conversations to have with employees: a manager’s guide to addressing performance, conduct, and discipline challenges by paul falcone

101 tough conversations to have with employees book cover

101 Tough Conversations to Have With Employees is one of the best conflict resolution books for managers. This reference guide outlines the most common employee problems and provides tips on how to handle them. chapters touch on topics ranging from poor hygiene to poor performance to bullying and more. The book describes ways to have problem-focused conversations and provides tips for addressing problems at the corporate and direct management levels. The guide describes ways to conduct and document conversations in a way that gets results without endangering the company or the manager. 101 Tough Conversations to Have With Employees is a playbook for dealing with workplace conflict as a supervisor.

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Notable Quote: “Where do communication, effective leadership, and motivation break down? once a manager starts sweeping things under the rug or leaves current challenges unaddressed.”

read 101 difficult conversations to have with employees.

13. humble inquiry: the gentle art of asking instead of telling by edgar h. Schein and Peter A. scheme

The humble inquiry book cover

humble inquiry is a masterclass in the art of dialogue. the book shows how to listen to the other side in an argument and ask questions that uncover important information. One of the most critical parts of conflict resolution is making the other party feel heard, safe, and respected, and this book advocates that same approach. The authors show how asking questions can uncover the roots of a disagreement and help build more positive relationships. humble inquiry establishes a framework for solving problems by listening.

starred quote: “trust in the context of a conversation is believing that the other person will recognize me, not take advantage of me, not embarrass or humiliate me, tell me the truth, and in a larger context, not will deceive me.” work on my behalf and support the goals we have agreed upon.”

read humble query.

final thoughts

Conflict resolution is a skill that does not come naturally to most people. in fact, the fight or flight response often causes people to react emotionally or avoid discussions altogether. however, conflict is part of any relationship and resolving issues is a critical component of the team building process. Reading conflict resolution books helps professionals prepare for when tense circumstances arise and behave more consciously and strategically rather than go against instinct. These jobs can help people adopt mindsets and techniques that reveal the reason behind disputes and move the situation toward a peaceful resolution.

For more reading recommendations, check out these lists of change management books and employee experience books.

faq: conflict resolution books

here are answers to common questions about conflict resolution books.

what are conflict resolution books?

Conflict resolution books are guides that teach professionals how to resolve disagreements and disputes at work. these books deal with topics such as communication, mediation and accountability. the purpose of these jobs is to help professionals navigate interpersonal confrontations in a healthy and productive way.

what are some good conflict resolution books for managers?

some good conflict resolution books for managers include dr. Jennifer E. doctorate in beer, caroline c. Packard JD et al., 101 Tough Conversations to Have With Employees by Paul Falcone, and The No Asshole Rule by Robert I. sutton.

what are the best conflict resolution books?

The best books on conflict resolution include Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz, Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William L. ury and bruce patton, and crucial conversations by kerry patterson, et al.

how can you use conflict resolution books at work?

You can use the skills and techniques learned in conflict resolution to mediate problems and disagreements at work. You can also assign these books to employees to read to help improve self-awareness, emotional regulation, and communication. these books can help teammates differentiate between essential and unnecessary conflict and handle confrontation in a healthy way.

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