22 Life-Changing Books That Expand Your Mind – Darius Foroux

Over the past few years, I’ve gotten into the habit of asking everyone for life-changing book recommendations. It is one of the habits that has really changed my life. reading is my favorite way to develop my mind because it is the most effective way to learn something. but not all books change the way you think. francis bacon said it best :

“some books should be tasted, others devoured, but only a few should be chewed and fully digested.”

You are reading: Books that change your perspective on life

so when I recently came across a question on quora that went like this: “what are some mind-expanding books?” I began to think about the books that had such an impact on me. because not all books have the same impact.

For me, expanding your mind means that a book had an impact on the way I see the world.

And after some serious thinking, I came up with the following 22 life-changing books that caused a real shift in my thinking. I hope they also broaden your mind.

1. man’s search for meaning by victor frankl

I still think about this book almost daily, years after I first read it. what happened to millions of Jews 70 years ago is really horrible. we forget that it was only a few decades ago. not centuries. And Victor Frankl’s account of his experience in the concentration camps is almost superhuman. his philosophy and outlook on life must be cherished and passed on forever. read this book.

2. walden by henry david thoreau

thoreau began my journey of “thinking about life” ten years ago. I remember how I discovered his writings: through the film towards nature. The film (released in 2007) was based on a book by Jon Krakauer with the same title about Christopher McCandless, a naive young idealist who wanted to live a simple life. the story of mccandless is sad. But his biggest inspiration was Thoreau. and since thoreau is not recommended for reading in school in the netherlands, i decided to pick it up myself (and jon krakauer’s book as well). I haven’t stopped thinking, reflecting and living more consciously ever since.

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3. the art of thinking clearly by rolf dobelli

We make many decisions in our lives. How many of those decisions are rational? if you ask dobelli, very little. this book is an excellent collection of 99 thinking errors, from cognitive biases to social distortions. This is the most practical book I’ve ever read on decision making.

4. thinking fast and slow by daniel kahneman

This book lives up to your expectations. You will change your way of thinking after reading Kahneman’s book. It is a summary of the most important findings of his since he started as a cognitive psychologist in 1961. I think it is one of the most important books published in recent years.

5. the willpower instinct by kelly mcgonigal

Self-control is the number one skill that helped me during my college years. and this practical book inspired me to take my willpower to the next level. mcgonigal writes in a realistic way that inspires you to take action.

6. flow by mihaly csikszentmihalyi

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Your ability to enjoy your work not only determines job satisfaction, but also influences how good you become at something. flow is one of those books that I think about every day. getting into a state of flow is something that really changes the way you work and experience life.

7. the history of the human body by daniel lieberman

Who knew that knowledge about human evolution could change the way you live? at least, that’s what happened to me. To truly understand your body, you have to know how it evolved. you will appreciate it more after reading this book, I assure you.

8. john ratey spark

I’m a firm believer in daily exercise. for me, it is as important as breathing. john ratey’s book inspired me to include daily exercise in my life. And I can’t tell you how significant an impact it has been on my productivity, confidence, health, happiness, and overall enjoyment of life.

9. sapiens by yuval noah harari

I disagree with all the hype that this book is the best book of all time. it is, however, a great summary of human history and evolutionary psychology. and, most importantly, it reads beautifully.

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10. the invisible man by ralph ellison

a novel about a nameless young black man who moves through life unseen, “simply because people refuse to see me.” Is the book fact or fiction? it doesn’t matter because it paints the picture from one person’s perspective on race, that’s what matters. the book was published in 1952, but it still seems current after all those years. life is about understanding others. this book will help you do it.

11. influence of robert b. cialdini

This classic book teaches you the science of persuasion. and is full of research and anecdotes that will change the way people see life, relationships, businesses and intentions.

12. quiet by susan cain

Most introverts don’t even know they’re an introvert. Quiet is a book about knowing yourself. and that simple skill can change the outcome of your life. it all comes down to this: don’t try to be something you’re not.

13. when i stop talking you’ll know i’m dead by jerry weintraub

one of the most entertaining life stories I’ve ever read. weintraub is a hollywood legend. he is someone who genuinely thought differently from the rest of his industry. and this book inspires you to be more practical, tough, and persuasive.

14. the best salesman in the world by og mandino

If you’re looking for an intense self-help book, look no further. If you read this book the way og mandino instructs, it will change your life.

15. paradox of choice by barry schwartz

Making decisions is one of the most mentally draining things you have to do every day. this book changed the way I look at options: less is better.

16. the power of habit by charles duhigg

Forming new habits is a practical skill that immediately impacts the quality of your life. Do you want to lose weight? be more productive? exercise regularly? build successful businesses? one thing is for sure: without habits, those things will be extremely difficult to achieve.

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17. daily rituals by mason currey

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A unique insight into the habits and rituals of the world’s most renowned figures. you’ll be surprised how simple their lives were.

18. coming to yes by roger fisher

Most people are afraid to negotiate. that’s a completely unfair sentiment. it’s actually fun to negotiate. and you should do it more often. Who doesn’t want to pay less and earn more?

19. the autobiography of malcolm x: as told to alex haley

for me, malcolm x is the true symbol of a self-made man. It has nothing to do with money or fame. you make yourself by expanding your mind. That’s what Malcolm X did in prison. Without a doubt, the best biography I’ve ever read.

20. robert wright’s moral animal

You can’t put human behavior into perspective without knowing more about our evolution. it’s a bit depressing. but that’s life. study it, instead of being sad about it. as a result, you will be more understanding with people and with yourself.

21. mastery by robert greene

the ultimate guide to being good at what you do. This book is not only a playbook for mastery, but also a collection of biographies of great historical figures.

22. bird by bird by anne lamott

Several readers recommended this book to me. bird by bird is more than just writing. if it doesn’t make you a better writer (which I doubt), it will make you a better person.

Like I said before, I hope you pick up one of these books and change the way you think. and don’t let money stop you.

one of my friends recently told me that he had bought a 4k TV. but when I told him a year ago to read some of the books listed above, he replied, “the books are too expensive.”

This reminded me of something my mentor once said when I complained about the cost of education:

“Ignorance costs you more than you will ever know.”

fuck 4k tvs. instead, I’m buying and reading books.

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