Dale Brown – Book Series In Order

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career in the air force

He was a very successful navigator-bomber in the air force and held the rank of captain. he flew many planes for the air force and left behind a highly decorated officer. he left the air force in 1986 and has never seen active duty in a war zone. It was during this time that he put pen to paper and began writing his first novel. he was ready to post when he left the air force. however, before that, he was paid to write a review for the compute! gazette.

the pinnacle of success

His first novel was The Flight of the Old Dog and it launched his career. the plot of the book surrounds the mission of gen. bradley elliot he is testing a unique bomber and the mission is ahead to destroy a soviet weapon before it is deployed. the plane is called old dog and he has to take the team to a safe place. the book received very positive reviews and was on the best-seller list.

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brown was commended for his use of prose to describe the plane and managed to use his knowledge of the air force without alienating non-pilot readers. it is easy to tell that the author of the book is someone who is deeply in love with aviation. One reviewer described Brown’s ability to make it feel like he was actually sitting on the plane, rather than reading it off the page. descriptions of battles and planes were used for reference in some video games.

It is important to note that the book’s original hardcover release did not make the bestseller list. It was only when the publisher sent Brown on a tour of military bases to coincide with the paperback’s release, that he made the list. the highest position was number 4 and it ended up selling over a million copies in the first two weeks.

falls in love with the characters

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brown is an author who is believed to fall in love with the characters. he creates these characters in his books, which he intends to be stand-alone stories, but they all become series. even characters from his first novel are still seen in his most recent releases. the flight of the old dog ended up being the first book in a series of 18 books.

Some people call this series the Paul Mclanahan series and others call it the Dreamland series, based on the foundation on which the books are set. he has been writing this series for over 25 years. This series should not be confused with his other series, which is officially titled the Dreamland series and is a collaboration with another author.

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turned into a movie?

brown’s books have never been made into movies. the closest they have come is with some of the characters that appear in the computer games. when asked the question on her website, she said that it would be great if her books could be made into movies, however, she doesn’t have an agent in hollywood, so the chances are low.

He hopes to continue writing books and perhaps one will catch the eye of a director. He is working on writing some scripts based on his books in hopes of getting a Hollywood agent in the future.

recent works

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dale brown is still at the forefront of novel publishing today. he most recent novel, Tiger Claw, was published in August 2013. The plot of this book revolves around President Phoenix, who has slashed the military budget as China begins testing its new domestic missile.

the united states calls on retired patrick mclanahan to save the day with old bomber planes. It’s a classic case of America vs China, hoping that world war can be prevented. This book has been very successful so far. Some critics go so far as to call him one of America’s best military adventure writers.


for his books, it indicates that he has many influences. he says that he names some of his characters after family members and then picks them out of the phone book. he may even be sitting at home and watching the news, when the newsreader’s name jumps out.

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brown has shown himself to be someone who is aware of the need to earn money for charity because he has been known to offer a character up for auction. the winner of the charity will be able to name the character. some fans on his website asked him if he was the influence of many of the stories and he said no. well, partly not. indicates that the stories are his fantasies about what he would have liked to happen to himself in his own career.

personal life

On her personal life, Brown is a member of Angel Flight West. he is one of the pilots who regularly fly patients to get the medical care they deserve. all this is done on a voluntary basis, so he spends a lot of time flying around the country. In his spare time, he enjoys flying his own personal plane and is a soccer referee for youth games.

He enjoys other things like scuba diving and tennis, but loves spending time with his wife, Diane, and son Hunter. they all live together in nevada. It’s clear that Dale Brown never expected to be as successful as he has been. this is made clear by killing off some characters, only to be resurrected in later novels. he originally only intended to write 3 novels for his publisher. Now, 24 books later, he is an accomplished author and his fans eagerly await his next novel.

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