How Do The Game Of Thrones Books End 2022? Don&039t Miss Out

Pop culture phenomenon like HBO’s Game of Thrones don’t show up as often, and when they’re over, it can be painful to say goodbye.

The ending to this particular saga is bittersweet for many reasons, and not because fan reaction to the eighth and final season was, shall we say, mixed at best. so how do the game of thrones books end?

You are reading: How did the game of thrones books end

how do game of thrones books end?

game of thrones suffered a fantastic backlash due to its ending. while george r.r. martin’s associative books will probably be better, they will still be controversial.

The ending of game of thrones was divisive, to say the least. however, there are reasons to think that george r.r. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series of books is also controversial.

game of thrones is one of the best television shows of all time, and its first four seasons were met with critical acclaim and audiences (those who had read the books and those who hadn’t).

the problem for showrunners david benioff and d.b. weiss was that they immediately caught up with and then surpassed the source material. martin has always struggled to compose the winds of winter (and he has another book by then).

There’s been a noticeable shift in storytelling after Game of Thrones overtook a song of ice and fire for the season, shifting more from martin’s character-driven design to a fast-paced plot-driven story.

While that didn’t result in any significant issues right away (although Season 5 is one of the worst), it did end up producing a butterfly shock as the changes made resulted in a truncated ending and faster than most would appreciate. would have liked.

this came to a head with the season of game of thrones, which ended everything in just six episodes. There was massive backlash, including waves of criticism and calls to remake the series, and Game of Thrones has been the network’s new punching bag for imperfect endings.

although several of those criticisms were valid (and many others), the show not only took some components from the books, but also emphasized when martin ends his series; there will be some disappointed readers.

The Game Of Thrones Books

how does the night king die in the books?

arya stark attacked the night king in the third episode of game of thrones, she exploded her valyrian steel sword and decimated the entire army of the dead and all the white walkers.

that action caused a schism in the game of thrones fandom. This uncovered several emotions about George R.R.’s HBO adaptation. martin’s song of ice and fire series.

It’s easy to see why Game of Thrones, regardless of the decisions made by the show in its last six episodes, received backlash.

the divisive ending of game of thrones followed george r.r. martin’s book plan (in part)

although it’s not easy to know with 100% certainty which game of thrones ending took from martin’s books besides king bran (that has been confirmed as a story point the writer told the showrunners), it is very likely that much of what happened on the iron throne can even be reproduced in the books.

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In conjunction with Bran’s coronation, it’s relatively easy to imagine Tyrion once again being called the Hand of the King, now with a broader awareness of irony upon taking office. Furthermore, it’s easy to imagine the Iron Throne’s own devastation of Martin’s brain, given his love of both symbolism and coming full circle.

how daenerys expires (although it is very likely that she will) remains open to much disagreement. still, the notion of his most controversial moment of King’s Landing devastation occurring in the books would be a fair assumption.

There have been many submissions on the website for this twist, and along with the proposed plot now, two Targaryens will be vying for the Iron Throne. it is possibly that she destroys him in what is effectively a new dance of dragons against aegon (or daemon) targaryens.

Game of Thrones never contained that personality, but it’s reasonable to assume that they took the idea of ​​Daenerys being a fiery, overbearing character and developed it into their own narrative.

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the fate of the starks beyond bran is also in the atmosphere. jon snow goes in (and out) to make the wall feel like a possible finish to him.

the kind of item martin would finish (not because it’s a significant link between game of thrones endings and lord of the rings, foundation work because the narration is frodo, not his aragorn).

sansa’s judgment on north winterfell also feels likely, that there is the question of whether she will be queen or just guardian, because the freedom dilemma, while applicable, may disappear if her brother were your ruler.

arya is a bit of a wild card in all of this. However, his drifting freedom is well recognized by his bow (along with his werewolf), so his death in Westeros could also be Martin’s thought.

a song of ice & the end of the fire will be controversial

A Song Of Ice & Fire's Ending Will Be Controversial

with many of the destinations that will coincide (albeit with some different journeys), it seems inevitable that the ending of a song of fire and ice will be controversial.

The backlash won’t match that garnered by Game of Thrones, not because the post series crowd is much smaller, less outspoken, and just works differently to get a TV show. countless millions and millions of people around the world are watching at the same time.

but it’s going to be controversial. In very precisely the same way, Game of Thrones was always inclined to be divisive to some degree; There’s almost no way to end this massive, long-running, much-hyped narrative that pleases everyone.

On top of that, it will contain some somewhat similar components, which will result in some identical branches. there could be sections of this fan base that expect completely different results, and if they don’t happen, that will cause disappointment.

and while martin has done a better job laying the groundwork, the tremendous changes that are planned, most notably daenerys’s turn, bran’s turn as king, and also what could happen between jaime and cersei (although it’s likely that their deaths happen sooner) are likely to be divisive no matter what, as the idea is, particularly when someone like dany has this army of loyal supporters who will refuse to accept such a criminal change.

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In addition, there are indications that there will be at least a partial change in tone and style from the later entries of A Song of Fire and Ice.

Although the books have contained some horror elements (and tons of weirdness), that must add up considerably when you factor in the bigger part of others since martin gets together for the late night (which he might need to play so different, given the absence of the night king from the books), and anything supernatural that might bring terrors to euron greyjoy, which could be a jarring change for some.

and while game of thrones compacts things a lot, the books have perhaps the reverse problem: martin has drifted in so many different directions, after every dead end navigation route in the story, the scope makes it difficult to imagine. exactly how everything in the drama can potentially come together.

combining the sheer burden of anticipation with a series of plot twists and improvements that the trial of the series promises, then it’s not easy to find a way that there isn’t a branch when the last book in the series, a spring dream, comes to an end.


why asoiaf’s ending will still be better than game of thrones

While there will be segments of this fanbase that are unhappy, frustrated, and possibly even angry at the way a song of fire and ice ends, it’s also very likely that the ending of the books is much better than the game. of thrones.

That’s not necessarily a Game of Thrones ending, either, and that, despite its numerous detractors, ultimately felt narratively and thematically satisfying and created several of the ideal psychological choices.

on the contrary, it is a testimony to the considerably more complete world that martin has generated on the web page. finally, this is the view she sees until the end of the book got, instead of a hybrid.

Although fans may be frustrated with how long Martin is filming to compose The Winds of Winter (he didn’t dream of spring and besides the fact that he owes no one anything), his careful and individual plotting should pay dividends. in the long run.

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The biggest complaint about the Game of Thrones book ending, and the one that’s pretty hard to shield, is that it was rushed, stretching across the last two seasons (or even longer).

and while martin has his flaws as a writer, there’s a better chance of a hot cake asserting the iron throne or even hbo remaking the entire show than he’ll be accused of rushing the ending.

Also, there is the above fact that controversial elements will make more sense on the web page. not only because some of these conditions will be different, but also because of the type of those books, which plot the stories of particular characters from point of view.

How much better could the ferocious devastation of Daenerys’s King’s Landing be, as an example, if we were to fully experience her and Tyrion’s ideas and viewpoints?

how much more satisfying will bran’s time from the three-eyed raven be if viewers can understand who and what he is? However, these conclusions will be divisive, but Martin is a master of installs and payouts, and that is what he will send in a song of ice and fire ending game of thrones that he didn’t fully handle for everyone.

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why game of thrones may not have “spoiled” george r.r.’s ending? Martin’s books as much as you think?

George R.R. Martin's books

To better contextualize precisely how much of Martin’s story has been ruined since the end of Game of Thrones, let’s go over how we got to the stage.

what exactly do martin and showrunners david benioff and d.b. Weiss said how well the books would fit in with the series. And have those answers changed in the last six decades?

As it happens, many of the series’ decisions may not be seen in the planned version of this Martin narrative.

The longer it became clear that Martin would not complete his last two books before this series, the more Profit and Weiss began to talk more openly about how the series and the books might end differently.

From the moment the show’s finale was to air, fans were shocked to learn that neither Martin nor the Game of Thrones showrunners knew for sure that the other would be able to wrap up the vast narrative.

frequently asked questions

is the game of thrones book series finished?

george r.r. martin have been composing winter winds for almost a decade. the end is finally in sight. a dance with dragons, the most recent book by george r.r. Martin’s Sweetheart, an epic fantasy song of ice and fire, premiered a month after the Game of Thrones season 1 finale.

Daenerys dies in the books?

the final chapter of dany’s book (book 5: a dance with dragons) ends with her discovery by the dothraki – khal jhaqo, to be precise (in somewhat different circumstances than in the series). so no, she’s not dead by the books.

will the game of thrones books end like the show?

The series finale of this hit HBO series sparked an intense backlash from fans. George R.R. Martin still denies that the ending of the Game of Thrones book show will likely differ in the TV series. people understand an ending but not the ending, said martin.

what happens to arya stark at the end?

despite hbo’s hesitation to uphold arya’s narrative, we could still consider what happens as she travels west. maps can be interrupted, but the whole world cannot. george rr martin has confirmed that the world westeros is set on is around, which means we can make sure arya won’t sail off a cliff.

what book is game of thrones season 8?

the winds of winter

bran is much more successful than we think. george rr martin has a lot of ground to cover in the winds of winter. the sixth post in his series a song of ice and fire was a long time coming.

Do you have better books than the show?

no wonder the books are so much better. even if the series was great at first, it didn’t outshine the books. season 1 of the series is much better than the original book. the first book was quite long and contains pretty much everything related to year 1 of this series.

where do the game of thrones books end?

game of thrones used the novels as source material until season five, when it began to outperform the novels. the eighth season of the series will have the last book. a song of ice and fire will get two additional volumes.

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