10 Weird Laws in Texas You Didn&x27t Know Existed

the “lone star state” has some of the weirdest laws.

Very much in keeping with its namesake, texas has its own rule book when it comes to some of the weirdest laws they have on the books to date. So whether you live in Texas or plan to visit the Lone Star State, here are some unusual Texas laws to be aware of.

1. it is illegal to sell the eyes. and other organs too!

Under section 48.02 of the Texas Penal Code, it is illegal to sell human organs. selling and buying eyes, heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver, lungs, skin, and other organs or tissues can land a Texan in jail for up to a year and/or fines of up to $4,000. however, one can legally sell their blood and hair in the state.

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2. it is illegal to commit a crime without giving 24 hours notice.

a texas crime law requires criminals to give 24 hours written or oral notice to their victims before committing crimes. the law also requires criminals to mention the nature of the crimes to be committed. (now we know when to call the police!)

3. it is illegal to milk someone else’s cow.

cow Photo by Alex Azabache from Pexels

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Once upon a time, it was illegal to milk someone else’s cow in Texas. the texas penal code provided for a fine of no more than $10 if convicted of milking a stranger’s cow. The law was removed in 1973. However, such an act is still considered illegal and the culprit can face charges of theft of personal property.

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4. It is illegal to be in possession of the Encyclopaedia Britannica collection.

That’s right! Texas once banned the entire Encyclopedia Britannica because one volume contained a recipe on how to brew at home. possession of the book could even land you in jail and/or fines. Currently, according to the law, no more than 200 gallons of alcoholic beverage can be prepared at home per year. no license is required if the brewer complies with all the rules mentioned in the section of the statute.

5. it is illegal to go barefoot.

Some cities in Texas do not allow you to walk barefoot unless you have a permit. to maintain the sanitation and appearance of the cities, a $5 permit needs to be purchased before going barefoot.

6. it is illegal to drink more than three sips of beer while standing.

beer Photo by Tembela Bohle from Pexels

in lefors, texas, it was illegal to take more than three sips of beer standing up. however, the reason for enforcing such a law is still unclear, and it appears that the law existed until the last century and has since disappeared. bring those texas shots if you still prefer to stand! (just in case!)

7. it is illegal to carry wire cutters in your pocket.

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in austin, it was illegal to carry a wire cutter in your pocket. this law was enforced due to disputes between landowners who preferred open country and those who chose to fence their land behind barbed wire. Outspoken rangers have been known to cut through others’ barbed wire fences. The Texas Legislature updated the penal code in 1973 and took the law off the books. It is now legal to carry wire cutters in your pocket on your property.

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8. it is illegal to spread feather dust in public buildings.

in clarendon, texas, it is illegal to put feather dust in any public building. though, it’s not clear if the duster is illegal or the act of dusting!

9. it is illegal to buy cheese on Sundays. wait what?

in houston, it is illegal to buy or sell limburger cheese on sundays. Better stock up on cheese on Saturday!

10. it is illegal to eat garbage.

This sure takes the cake! In Texas, you can’t eat your neighbor’s garbage without his permission. Failure to comply with this law can land you in jail for breaking and entering and theft of property. the law is primarily enforced to control the unauthorized use of garbage in the state.

did you know about any of these strange texas laws? Have you ever been charged for failing to comply with any of them? share in the comments.

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