Why We LOVE the Wings of Fire Books: Book Series Review

Our fantasy-loving bookworm has long been a fan of tui t. Sutherland’s Wings of Fire book series, collecting each book on its release date, including standing in line in the freezing cold at a bookstore on boxing day one year! Then there was the time he dressed up as the sword-tailed dragon for our school’s book week character parade.

Are wings of fire any good?

The wings of fire fiction and fantasy series has developed a cult following around the world, popular with middle-grade to adult readers alike. And it’s no wonder thanks to Sutherland’s extraordinary and detailed storytelling and the wonderful cast of fantastical dragons he has imagined.

There are currently fourteen books within the main series, within three plot lines or narrative arcs of five books each. These titles are supported by a compilation of short stories, various legend titles, and a number of graphic novel interpretations of the original series.

You are reading: Wings of fire books age range

Wings of fire book series review

what is it about wings of fire?

From the first book, readers are introduced to the seven dragon tribes of Pyrrhia: Sandstone, Mud, Sky, Sea, Ice, Rain, and Night (and then three new tribes: Leaf, Silk, and Hive).


Each tribe inhabits a different territory within Pyrrhia, and the dragons of each tribe share unique strengths and magical powers, as well as exhibit human behavior, making them highly relatable to high school readers.

However, the tribes don’t always get along: These are war stories in which the tribes fight each other for power and control over the Pyrrha, and Sutherland doesn’t shy away from the sometimes violent and difficult themes, with stories that explore difficult themes such as war, murder, deception, and racism, to name just a few (making the series compelling to read but also potentially challenging for sensitive readers).

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And despite the fantasy genre, the series explores important real-life themes of family, friendship, and identity, with important life themes such as courage, loyalty, destiny, and sacrifice. .

The main book series explores three story arcs, with five books within each arc. The first is the Dragonet Prophecy in which five young dragons from different tribes are being secretly bred as those destined in an ancient prophecy to end the war raging between the tribes of Pyrrhia.

The second story arc, the Jade Mountain Prophecy, sees the dragons at peace (at least for now) and intent on establishing an academy to train the next generation of dragons to live and work together. However, peace and the academy are in jeopardy when Nightwing, Moonwatcher shares a new prophecy, warning of Jade Mountain’s destruction if an ancient city cannot be found again.

In the third story arc, The Prophecy of the Lost Continent, the dragons of Pyrrhia discover that they are not the only dragons in existence, discovering the neighboring tribes of Pantala dragons across the sea, who live under the control (mental) of an evil dragon, the queen wasp.

For what age are the Wings of Fire books appropriate?

The series is definitely for lovers of action, adventure and fantasy. I’d suggest they’ll be more enjoyable for reasonably confident readers ages 10 and up, possibly 9 if your child is okay with violence and other sensitive content (see above).

wings of fire book series review

first story arc (books 1-5): the dragon prophecy

Collect wings of fire books one through five as a box:

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amazon | the book deposit

Wings of Fire boxset 1

all deathbringer wants is to become the most famous assassin in the history of pyrrhia. but is it really worth it?

sixclaws has always been loyal to queen burn, but has he made a mistake?

These dragons helped shape pyrrhia in the shadows… but now it’s time for each of them to tell their own story. a fabulous collection of four short stories.

available: amazon | the book deposit

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