15 Inspirational Education Books Written By and For Teachers | Planbook

No matter where you work or how long you’ve been in the field, being a teacher is a challenging yet rewarding profession. And with so many techniques and schools of thought about how you should teach or how students learn best, it can be hard to know which tools and resources are right for your classroom.

To make things a little easier, we’ve rounded up 15 teacher’s books that will inspire and motivate you.

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launch: using design thinking to spark creativity and bring out the creator in every student

Chief Technology and Innovation Officer AJ Juliani teamed up with former teacher and professor of education John Spencer to write this book on design thinking. The principle behind this is that students can think creatively when they see themselves as doers, inventors, and creators. Juliani and Spencer show teachers why discovery, experimentation, and invention are so important and how brainstorming processes build more creative confidence in the classroom, even when a teacher has limited funds to work with.

teach like a pirate

In Teach Like a Pirate, teacher and speaker Dave Burgess explains how teachers can take a uniquely creative approach to everyday classroom learning. Burgess says that true creativity in the classroom begins with the teacher sparking creativity in students by cultivating their own passions. The New York Times bestseller, the book is full of insights on how to push the limits of creativity while fostering a sense of belonging among students.

the classroom chef

If you teach math, you’ve heard students say “I just don’t get it.” And when a student is really struggling, it’s hard to know how to counter this claim. Written by edtech coaches John Stevens and Matt Vaudrey, Classroom Chef demonstrates how to break down the barriers to math learning and get students truly engaged with the subject. Lessons are divided into themes based on a restaurant meal, including appetizers, entrees, side dishes, desserts, and a take-out menu, making the concepts easily digestible for teachers.

the mindset of the innovator

teacher, writer, speaker, and learning consultant george couros wrote this guide to innovative learning. In it, couros explains how teachers can understand innovation to unleash talent and leadership in the classroom. One of the strengths of this book is that it presents the material in a direct way that is compelling and practical. couros also provides a series of discussion questions and study guides to accompany this thought-provoking book.

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the freedom writers diary

Professor Erin Gruwell tells the story of her own life, as a young teacher in the early 1990s. After witnessing instances of racism and inequality in her classroom, she set out to teach her students about tolerance and civil justice. As her students read Anne Frank’s Diary and Zlata’s Diary: A Boy’s Life in Sarajevo, she asked them to record her thoughts and feelings in journals. the book traces this journey and shows how teachers can teach tolerance in their own classroom, which is an especially important skill in today’s political climate.

pure genius

Written by don wettrick, former professor and founder and executive director of the new school for entrepreneurship, pure genius advocates for teachers and administrators to join students in the pursuit of better learning. wettrick stresses that collaboration is the key to innovation. he also says that when students are empowered to solve problems creatively, they develop free-thinking skills that will be invaluable in life.

the courage to teach: exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life

author and educator parker palmer is known for his commitment to the art of teaching. Palmer’s book, The Courage to Teach, describes how teachers can look deep within themselves to rediscover their wholeness and identity. it also shows what it means to look to one’s inner strengths and gifts to find a renewed passion and courage for teaching. examines the intricate connections between public education and the private lives of educators to showcase an empathetic and realistic approach to teaching that endures.

get rid of that textbook

Are you ready to change tired learning techniques and implement strategies your students will love? then get rid of that textbook it’s the book for you. In this guide, high school Spanish teacher Matt Miller shows how teachers can use more modern tools to cultivate students’ passion for learning. she talks about implementing practical lessons, harnessing technology and digital media, and fostering innovation to create a more engaging classroom. As today’s students are growing up in a world increasingly dominated by technology, it’s important to teach them using tools they understand.

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Creating Cultures of Thought: The 8 Forces We Must Master to Truly Transform Our Schools

ron ritchhart is an education expert and senior research associate at harvard project zero. In this book, he explains why teachers should emphasize thinking over learning. Ritchart defines eight key cultures that define how we think about learning, including expectations, language, time, modeling, opportunities, routines, interactions, and environment. By creating a culture of thinking, both students and teachers bring a common vision, purpose, and passion to the project at hand. in turn, this helps nurture a new generation of thoughtful, independent adults.

the zen master

teacher and education speaker dan tricarico wrote this essential book on teacher self-care. If he’s ever had trouble slowing down and taking a break from the chaos, the Zen Master will teach him how to finally catch his breath. The book includes specific strategies for managing stress, achieving better focus, and practicing simplicity to improve your overall quality of life. in turn, a more balanced teacher can create a more balanced classroom that helps all students thrive. Think of this book as a teacher’s toolbox on mindfulness.

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girl reading

Helping Kids Succeed: What Works and Why

In this prequel to How Kids Succeed, education expert Paul Tough tackles a different set of questions. challenging questions, such as what it means for a child’s development to grow up in poverty and how adversity affects success in the classroom. he answers them using strategies based on the latest research in psychology and neuroscience. She’ll learn what types of environments help students thrive and reach their full potential, and what she can do to foster these spaces.

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50 things you can do with google classroom

Written by Google Certified Teacher Alice Keeler and Educational Technology Trainer Libbi Miller, this is an essential text for the modern teacher. As you may have guessed, the book covers the many features of Google Classroom, including how both teachers and students can take advantage of Google tools. If you’ve ever been intimidated by the transition to technology, or if you’ve had trouble teaching technology to your students, this book makes it easy with step-by-step instructions. if you like this, the sequel is 50 things to go further with google classroom.

teach with your mouth closed

in teaching with your mouth shut, math teacher donald l. Finkel redefines what it means to be a “good” teacher. Instead of telling students what they need to know, Finkel urges teachers to take a more hands-off approach. specifically, he says this gives students the freedom to make their own connections, discoveries about the material in question. as a result, students are more engaged in the learning they have achieved, because it feels inherently more personal.

reconfigured school culture: how to define, evaluate and transform it

Whether you realize it or not, your school has its own ingrained culture. With that culture come certain expectations, boundaries, and traditions that can hinder or promote student learning. Education experts Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker show teachers how to identify and understand the kind of culture that exists in their school. then, they offer practical advice on how to transform a negative culture into a nurturing, positive, and forward-thinking culture.

master the media: how teaching media literacy can save our plugged-in world

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the world’s mass media consumption? Are your students online and offline? Media literacy professor Julie Smith urges educators to see digital innovation in a positive light and offers specific advice on how to harness what we see and hear to improve learning like never before.

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