How Old Are The Witcher Characters? Geralt, Yennefer & Ciri Real Ages

the witcher presents a fantasy world that often tends to bend the rules of reality in multiple directions.

The world of the sorcerer is full of magic, supernatural beings and mysterious main characters.

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One of the main mysteries surrounding these characters is also their age. Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri, and many other fan favorites in the books, games, and TV series don’t age the same as normal people, so you’re left guessing how old they are.

geralt is around 90 years old, although his character, played by henry caville in the netflix series, appears to be no more than 36. ciri is in her early twenties, while yennefer’s story is a little more complex. it extends from 14 years to 70.

These ages have been estimated through clues and it is important to note that timelines in games, series and books are not exactly the same.

Keep reading to find out a bit more about the ages of the main characters, why they look younger, and also whether being a witch means you’ll live forever or not.

Witches live forever?

the witcher is a story that tends to combine mortality and immortality in intricate plots. as such, it’s hard to guess whether or not a character can live forever, and even harder to pin down her exact age.

When it comes to witches, it is assumed that they are not immortal beings and therefore do not live forever. however, they can live much longer than normal humans, reaching a few hundred years.

the oldest living warlock is 350 years old, while geralt, the strongest warlock in history, is about 100 years old.

No one can say for sure if a warlock can live forever or not. most of them actually die as a result of the dangerous lives they lead. no witch so far has died of old age or natural causes.

As a result, a warlock’s life expectancy is a complete mystery. however, what we know for sure is that despite going through a slow aging process, they age. as such, it is logical to assume that his body will expire at some point due to old age.

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why do witches live so long?

Warlocks age at a different rate than normal people. however, their features and traits make them look much younger.

Sorcerers have to undergo many experiments, tests and trials that mutate their genes. These assays also improve the rate at which your cells multiply. This in turn helps your DNA degenerate at a slower rate. as a result, warlocks age much more slowly and can live much longer than other people.

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mutagens slow the aging process but do not prevent warlock bodies from developing into strong, healthy, mature adults. so we can assume that warlocks look fully adult at age 20 and continue to age slowly after that.

During this process, sorcerers enjoy great physical and mental health. this trait helps them fight monsters and increase their chances of survival in battles.

how old is geralt?

geralt is one of the strongest warlocks alive. Finding out the exact age of him in the warlock universe is quite a difficult task.

many fans tend to analyze timelines, extract information from forums and peruse plot details to guess the age of their favorite characters. Thanks to all these meticulous details, we have managed to reduce an age range for Geralt’s age.

geralt is between 90 and 100 years old, but he looks less than half his age. His slow aging process is due to the mutagens that entered his body during the tests he went through to become a warlock. these are the same tests that gave him superhuman strength, speed, and healing abilities.

His age is hinted at when Geralt talks about his other witch friends. while his past remains largely a mystery, his age is reflected somewhat in his stories.

however, the main clue we get about his age comes from the netflix show’s creator, lauren schmidt hissrich. She admits in an interview that the story begins when Geralt is about 100 years old, as the books and games also reveal.

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Also learn why Geralt has white hair!

how old is yennefer?

yennefer of vengerberg is almost a century old. The Netflix show shows Yennefer as 71 years old, while in the books and games she is closer to 94. Sometimes hints are given that Yennefer is a couple of years older than Geralt.

however, just looking at the facts of the show, it can be assumed that yennefer is 71 years old, since her birth year is 1192 and the battle of sodden hill takes place in 1263.

Like other characters in this story, Yennefer appears much younger for her age, all thanks to the magic in her system. she is the most popular sorceress on the show and her magical traits keep her young and attractive.

His story unfolds on the show from his early 20s to the Battle of Sodden Hill. From this timeline, Yennefer can be assumed to be in her 90s.

the young actress who plays yennefer in the netflix series, anya chalotra, admitted in an interview that the history of her character spans from 14 to 77 years, while the show’s creator also reiterates that the line of Yennefer’s time is explored across 7 decades, which would make Yennefer in her 80s or 90s.

how old is ciri?

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ciri is geralt’s adoptive daughter. Her full name is Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, also known as Princess Cirilla. she is in her early twenties in the books, games, and shows, however, her exact age can only be guessed at.

Ciri’s age in the games can be assumed to be 21, as the journal entry says she was born in 1251 and the events of the game take place in 1272.

The actress who plays Ciri in the Netflix series, Freya Allen, was 18 when the show began and will reach Ciri’s actual age as the story continues.

how old is daskier?

daskier, also known as dandelion, is one of geralt’s closest friends. he is 35 or 44 years old. In the series, Geralt states in dialogue that Dandelion is not yet 40 years old, while the games show him to be 44 years old.

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according to the books and games, there is no evidence that daskier is immortal, nor that he ages slowly. however, in the show, he looks the same throughout the timeline.

The reason for his youthful appearance is attributed to a mistake by the creators, who found the timeline confusing and simply forgot to age dandelion.

However, according to the games, Jaskier was born in 1229 and is about 44 years old when he meets Geralt.

how old is triss merigold?

triss merigold of maribor is a young looking sorceress who has quite a few years on her shoulders. While her magic helps her maintain a youthful appearance, Triss Merigold is between 50 and 80 years old.

triss merigold is also known as little miss merigold after sabrina. and since sabrina is the same age as yennefer, this means that triss is younger than yennefer.

also, triss met geralt when she was little, which also means that she is younger than geralt. As a result, the math implies that she is between 50 and 80 years old.

how old is vesemir?

vesemir is the oldest living warlock. He is believed to be between 300 and 350 years old, although his exact age has never been revealed in the books, games, or the Netflix TV show.

vesemir has grayish-white hair as a result of the aging process, which makes you think how extremely old he is, as he has aged to the point of losing the color of his hair.

In addition, he has pieces of clothing that are much older than the current time in which the events take place. he also seems to know about events and stories that happened centuries before the warlock’s timeline.

Last but not least, Vesemir is a lonely character who doesn’t seem to have a social circle. Besides, no one has heard of him. this is another shot that could refer to everyone he knows being long gone, as he is much older than all of his classmates.

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