17 Best Leadership Books for Women to Read in 2022

You’ve found our list of inspiring leadership books for women.

Leadership books for women are guides to help women obtain and excel in managerial and executive roles. This genre covers topics such as dealing with discrimination, speaking up and being heard, and earning the respect of direct reports, colleagues, and supervisors. The purpose of these books is to identify techniques, characteristics, and behaviors that improve professional women’s chances of becoming good leaders.

You are reading: Leadership books for women

These books are a subset of business books and leadership books, and help women develop management and leadership skills.

this list contains:

  • best books for female CEOs
  • biographies of female leaders
  • books on female leadership
  • leadership books written by women
  • leadership books for women of color

here we go!

list of leadership books for women

From new releases to best sellers of all time, here is a list of books every professional woman should read to achieve the ideal career.

1. women and leadership: real lives, real lessons by julia gillard and ngozi okonjo-iweala

women and leadership book cover

women and leadership explores the challenges women face while pursuing or holding high office. The book examines the lack of gender representation in modern leadership and delves into the obstacles faced by women who manage to lead countries. This guide collects interviews with top world leaders like Hillary Clinton, Jacinda Arden, and Theresa May. Authors Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala are also pioneering women politicians, bringing first-hand experience to conversations about the struggles women must overcome as they navigate the political landscape. Women and Leadership is packed with powerful women’s perspectives and is a call to action for women to survive discrimination and overcome adversity.

Notable Quote: “From childhood through adulthood, socialization and stereotyping are part of what shapes women and men, including their leadership styles.”

shopping women and leadership: real lives, real lessons.

2. how women get promoted: break the 12 habits that are holding you back from your next raise, promotion, or job by sally helgesen and marshall goldsmith

how women rise book cover

how women get promoted describes the common pitfalls that hold women back professionally and prescribes habits and tricks to help women leaders progress faster. The book explores 12 unhelpful habits that keep women from achieving their career goals and suggests solutions to these hangups. Chapters address topics such as perfectionism, people-pleasing, and reluctance to self-promotion, and provide readers with tips on how to make career changes more effective.

Notable Quote: “In other words, your habits are not you. you are on autopilot.”

shop how women get high.

3. Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. frankel doctorate

nice girls still don

pretty girls don’t stay in the corner office seeks to debunk myths that the key to female success is being nice, taking care of others and never causing trouble. From childhood, women are taught to be sympathetic and hyper-aware of the opinions of others. This book exposes the ingrained habits and beliefs that prevent women from advancing in their careers and presents strategies to overcome these obstacles. nice girls don’t stay in the corner office and engage in self-sabotaging behaviors like taking on too much responsibility, expecting automatic recognition, or not standing up for yourself and offering more effective alternatives.

Notable Quote: “You gain courage and confidence by doing the things you think you can’t do.”

buy nice girls, don’t stay in the corner office.

4. Lean On: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In

lean in is one of the most popular books on female leadership. Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg encourages professional women to speak up, take risks and be bolder in the workforce. The book provides advice on topics such as mentoring, negotiating, and work-life balance. sandberg seeks to help women overcome the tendency to cringe or shy away when they encounter resistance, by encouraging female leaders to “lean in” and take control of the conversation. lean in is a manifesto for female empowerment and more equitable workplaces. Nearly a decade after its initial publication, the book still inspires and empowers women leaders and sparks conversations about gender at work.

Notable quote: “In the future, there will be no women leaders. there will only be leaders.”

buy lean in.

5. How Remarkable Women Lead: The Innovative Blueprint for Work and Life by Joanna Barsh, Susie Cranston, and Geoffrey Lewis

How remarkable women lead book cover

How Remarkable Women Are Who Lead is one of the best books for CEOs. Authors Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston consulted for Mckinsey & company for decades, and use this experience and first-hand knowledge to analyze behaviors and identify patterns in high-performing professional women. the book uses anecdotes about executives to explain how extraordinary women rose to the top of their fields. How Remarkable Women Lead provides a model for overcoming challenges, growing, and becoming an amazing boss.

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Notable quote: “It takes time to find your strengths, and it takes even more time to turn them into capabilities.”

Shop how remarkable women lead.

6. the sympathy trap: how to free yourself and succeed as you are by alicia menendez

the likeability trap book cover

Many women are taught that in order to get ahead, they must be likeable and liked, as well as intelligent, skilled, and hard-working. even famous and successful women at the top of their fields are subject to the double standard of being likeable and capable. The sympathy trap urges women to let go of the pressures to be appreciated and validated in favor of embracing and appreciating their true selves. the book provides recommendations to be more authentic while achieving favorable professional results.

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Notable Quote: “If authenticity is necessary to be likeable and fundamental to effective leadership, but women are encouraged to spend most of their careers trying to be more than they they are told they are not, how can they be authentic, likeable and effective leaders?”

buy the sympathy trap.

7. hbr’s 10 must reads on women and leadership from harvard business review

On women and leadership book cover

hbr’s 10 must reads on women and leadership is a collection of essays on high-achieving women in the workplace. Like HBR’s other top ten titles, this anthology brings together some of the most popular and thought-provoking publications on the subject of Harvard Business Review. This resource explores topics such as female ambition, gender power dynamics, failures in diversity programs, and career progression. In addition, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Women and Leadership also contains an exclusive interview with Sheryl Sandberg.

notable quote: “a better metaphor for what women face in their professional endeavors is a labyrinth….as a contemporary symbol, it conveys the idea of ​​a complex journey towards a worthwhile goal worth fighting for. ”

shop hbr’s 10 must reads on women and leadership

8. we should all be feminists by chimamanda ngozi adichie

we should all be feminists book cover

We Should All Be Feminists is not strictly a business book, but it is among the books every professional woman should read. Inspired by Ted’s powerful talk of the same name, We Should All Be Feminists, it takes a deep dive into the ways culture limits both men and women through entrenched misogyny. The book makes the case for why all people can benefit from feminism and should proudly embrace the feminist label, while also empowering women to exceed the expectations placed on them by society.

Notable quote: “we teach girls to shrink, to make themselves smaller. we tell girls, you can have ambition, but not too much. you should aspire to be successful, but not too successful.”

buy we should all be feminists

9. That’s What She Said: What Men Should Know (and Women Should Tell Them) About Working Together by Joanne Lipman

thats what she said book cover

that’s what she said takes a revolutionary approach to women in the workplace. This book addresses the gender gap and points out the ways that standard diversity programs can fail. Instead of placing the responsibility for demanding fair treatment solely on women, the book targets men and makes a compelling case for how equality can benefit male colleagues in the workplace. women can use this logic to resolve conflicts more skillfully and negotiate more easily and effectively.

Notable Quote: “Social scientists have calculated that a woman must be two and a half times more competent than a man to be seen as his equal.”

buy that’s what she said.

10. more than enough: reclaiming space for who you are (no matter what anyone says) by elaine welteroth

More than enough book cover

More Than Enough is an uplifting memoir that conveys the career journey of former teen fashion editor, Elaine Welteroth. Despite being young, female, and African-American, welteroth managed to be one of the most successful heads in the publication’s history. this autobiography traces the path between the early years of welteroth life and her later victories in her career. the prose is full of affirmations that assure readers that they are capable and belong in professional spaces that often aim to exclude women with big ideas. more than enough is an instruction manual to break down barriers and remake the professional world in her image.

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Notable Quote: “When your dreams are bigger than the places you find yourself in, sometimes you need to seek your own reminders that there is more. and there is always more waiting for you on the other side of fear.”

buy more than enough and check out more motivational quotes for work.

11. growing strong: how the ability to reset transforms the way we live, love, raise, and lead by brené brown

rising strong book cover

rising strong is one of the most inspiring leadership books for women. Brené Brown researches and writes extensively on vulnerability, and in this book she talks about overcoming difficulties and failures, learning from setbacks, and coming back stronger than ever. getting up strong teaches readers how to accept discomfort, their own failures, and find the courage to try again. the book helps readers to be less afraid of being wrong and to dare to continue after falling short.

Notable Quote: “Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. they are compassionate because their boundaries keep them from resentment.”

buy hard.

12. grit: the power of passion and perseverance by angela duckworth

grit book cover

grit is one of the best leadership books written by women. Psychologist Angela Duckworth argues that the key to success is determination, which she defines as a mix of long-term persistence and passion. The book uses case studies to look at how people survive and thrive in difficult situations. This guide shows that determination is a learnable trait and outlines methods to increase resilience, such as specifying goals, strengthening professional support systems, and being more deliberate in practice and goal pursuit.

Notable Quote: “Our potential is one thing. what we do with it is quite another.”

buy sand.

13. In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from Over 100 Creators, Artists, and Entrepreneurs by Grace Bonney

In the company of women book cover

in the company of women is a series of interviews with influential women leaders in a wide range of professions, from architects, tattoo artists, celebrity artists and industry titans. Spotlights include Roxanne Gay, Michelle Quan, Lizzo, Carrie Brownstein, Janet Mock and many more. Drawing on a diverse and accomplished group of interviewees, the book presents different perspectives on what it takes to succeed as a woman in the modern professional world. In the Company of Women is filled with entertaining and inspiring stories, words of wisdom, and helpful guidance to motivate all readers to become their best selves.

Notable quote: “The winners are the losers who bounced back.”

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shopping in the company of women.

14. become by michelle obama

becoming book cover

becoming is one of the best-selling biographies of leading women. In this memoir, former First Lady Michelle Obama traces her life’s journey from Chicago’s South Side to the White House, passing on the leadership lessons she learned along the way. the book touches on themes such as race, motherhood, and female achievement and explores both shortcomings and triumphs. becoming is as inspiring and honest as it is informative. Michelle serves as a role model for bold women, teaching readers how to follow in the footsteps and forge their own paths.

Notable Quote: “Most of us lived in a state of constant calibration, adjusting one area of ​​life in hopes of bringing more stability to another.”

buy converting.

15. the little black book of success: leadership laws for black women by elaine meryl brown, marsha haygood, et al

the little black book of success book cover

The Little Black Book of Success is one of the most helpful leadership books for women of color. the book seeks to empower black female executives through practical advice. each chapter teaches techniques to help black women thrive in the corporate world while keeping their identity intact. The book offers advice on dealing with racism at work, finding the confidence to speak up, connecting with co-workers, building a strong support system, and using leadership positions to shake up the system. the little black book of success is a guide to rising through the ranks as a black woman without sacrificing a sense of identity.

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Notable Quote: “To become a leader, you need to have a positive mindset, which you can achieve with positive self-talk and looking at what’s right with people rather than what’s wrong with them.”

buy the little black book of success.

16. The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Confidence: What Women Need to Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

the confidence code book cover

the code of confidence is a masterclass in self-esteem. The book emphasizes the importance of confidence in professional settings and shares strategies to help women believe in themselves and stand up for themselves at work. the authors explore the neurological aspects of trust and conclude that while some elements of trust are genetic, environmental, and habitual, there are actions people can take to improve and increase self-confidence, for example, facing fear to fail and take risks. The Confidence Code explores the roots of low confidence in women and suggests tactics to rewire the brain to become more confident. this book helps women develop the self-confidence necessary to become leaders in the workplace.

Notable quote: “Trust, ultimately, is the characteristic that distinguishes those who imagine from those who do.”

buy the trusted code.

17. Run to Win: Leadership Lessons for Women Changing the World by Stephanie Schriock and Christina Reynolds

Run to win book cover

run to win is a manual for political candidates. Stephanie Schriock is the President of Emily’s List, an organization that empowers aspiring leaders to run for office. Although the tips are primarily politically oriented, the lessons of self-confidence, resilience, ambition, and grace under pressure are applicable to any profession. running to win is a promise that women can achieve goals, make a difference, or at least cause a stir.

Notable Quote: “So don’t decide not to take the next step because you don’t know how you’re going to do every aspect of the job. decide to take the job and let me help you figure out the rest.”

buy run to win.

final thoughts

Although women have made great strides over the last century, there is still much work to be done before women to achieve professional equality. There is still a huge disparity between the number of men and women in leadership positions, in part because many women are still taught to follow and be supportive rather than shake up the status quo. women’s leadership books teach women how to find the confidence and voice necessary to be effective leaders. Many of these guides are from influential women executives who want to empower a new generation of women to find their voices and change the world.

For more reading recommendations, check out these collections of books on management and books on inclusion and diversity.

We also have a list of the best ideas for Women at Work History Month, a list of great examples of leadership, and a list of leadership games to play with employees.

in addition to this guide to leadership qualities in the workforce.

faq: leadership books for women

here are answers to common questions about leadership books for women.

what are leadership books for women?

Leadership books for women are non-fiction books that teach women the skills and perspectives necessary to thrive in the professional world. These jobs often cover topics like mentoring, self-confidence, and dealing with sexism.

what are some good books for women leaders?

some good books for leading women include how women rise by sally helgesen and marshall goldsmith, hbr’s 10 must reads on women and leadership by harvard business review, more than enough by elaine welteroth, and pretty girls don’t get the corner office by lois p. doctor frankel.

what books should every professional woman read?

Books every professional woman should read include Sheryl Sandberg’s Bow Down, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s We Should All Be Feminists, and Michelle Obama’s Become.

why should women read leadership books?

Women should read leadership books because these guides can give professional women the confidence and knowledge to progress faster in their careers. Reading the stories of successful female executives can help women avoid potential pitfalls, learn second-hand lessons, and employ more effective strategies that can propel their careers and career goals to heights never before imagined.

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