Why Are Books Better Than Movies? Here Are Top Reasons 2022

Although the novel and the feature film are two very different artistic mediums, moviegoers always discuss the successes and failures of many adaptations.

The general idea is that books are sometimes a hundred times better than their film counterparts; if you need more proof, consider the following. why books are better than movies? read the article below.

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why are books better than movies? full main motifs

Because of their limited time, books are better than movies

Reading a book can take you a few days, weeks, months, or even several months. you can read at your own pace, in your own time. you can read during lunch or when you take a break during the day. that is not possible with a movie. you should stay still for at least 2-3 hours if you watch a movie at the theater.

That’s why it’s important. Due to the short time frames of movies and our limited attention spans, the filmmaker doesn’t have time to incorporate everything from book to film. this will naturally make the book look “better”. The movie may not have it all, but a book does.

To simplify, there is only so much “things in a movie”.

Because of their limited time, books are better than movies.

books can span decades in great detail; movies can’t

Take the example of an epic novel and an epic movie or movie series. let’s take a look at j.r.r. tolkien is the lord of the rings. this trilogy of books spawned a trilogy directed by peter jackson.

You don’t have to read the books, but I can give you some context as to why the movies won’t be better than what you do. the trilogy spans more than 100 years and spans decades. Tolkien goes into great detail about each character’s thoughts, actions, and words, often explaining why they do so.

This is how you can do it on film. how do you capture every thought event and happening in a three hour movie? You can’t. Some people will be upset if things aren’t right. books are more entertaining than movies.

Because you can’t include all the events of the book in the movie, the book will always seem better.

movies often leave out personal data

many people complain that some characters or events in a book are not represented in a movie. they are upset that the missing part may have had a special resonance. may be missing this makes the movie seem incomplete.

The director cannot know all the personal resonances the book had for you.

Because of your imagination, books are better than movies

Because of your imagination, books are better than movies.

Your imagination is the main reason books are better than movies. your imagination is the key to understanding why books are better than movies. you create mental images of characters, sounds, landscapes, and what they look like.

what is the secret of your imagination?

Let’s try something quick and simple to understand what this means. Take a look at the following paragraphs from a book and see how you feel.

brian sat on the wall he sits on every night. it is an old wall, with crumbling walls and weathered edges. small plants and moss grow.

brian spent many an afternoon here, watching passers-by, occasionally speaking to them, and sometimes running, but his efforts were often in vain. For her rude acts, passers-by are given a blank, unblinking stare.

what are you watching? Is there a crazy old man who sits on a wall and is ignored by people? Is there a younger man happy and trying to make others smile?

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Are you seeing an armed guard directing people? Although there is not much information, your imagination is already creating a picture of something based on your personal experiences. read on.

as brian sat down, a new person approached and once again initiated communication. brian spoke with a desperate tone, one that makes you squirm and snaps you out of your reverie.

brian was the first to notice. the person smiled, then stopped. Slowly, he reached out his hand to Brian. The stranger slowly moved his hand towards Brian and was met with a motionless body and gaze.

It was like he was ready for self-defense. he hesitated and seemed to question his actions, but continued, gently laying his hand on brian’s forehead.

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brian lifted his back as he moved his hand along brian’s body. the stranger smiled and said, “wait, old man, I’ll bring you some food.”

Okay, that’s a bit tricky. Brian is a cat. it is not a story; it was my creation. However, this not all. There are many things you can imagine as you read the story: Who or what is Brian? Why is he ignored? what is brian doing here? what is the wall made of? the bricks the plants/sounds/light/atmosphere? everything!

Your imagination is creating all the things in the world.

books are absolutely personal to you

we just saw this with my booker award winning story. you are the one filling in the details when you read it. the world is made of your experiences. the director dictates what the film is about. it’s almost impossible for a movie or a book to be that good.

the author tells a story. but, your imagination creates a world from your own experiences and interests

tolkien could write thousands of words about the incredible landscape the companions traversed. From towering mountain peaks to drops of water on leaves, the detail is astounding.

are pages upon pages. It is a paradise for your imagination. a movie can’t do what your mind can create.

book portability

Book Portability

You don’t need a movie theater or an amusement complex to appreciate a book. all you need, wherever you are, is the book. Whether at the airport, at home on a lazy Sunday, or lying on the beach, books allow you to join the universe and meet the characters created by the author.

Just consider some great resources to read:

  • it is ideal for sleeping on a blanket and reading on the beach. Of course, having the sound of calm waves in the distance while reading on a sandy beach really helps. just keep in mind to use plenty of sunscreen.
  • You can find tea, coffee, pastries, and relaxing background music at your neighborhood coffee shop. if you don’t have a book, some even offer little free libraries where you can read.
  • The best places to read are park benches or blankets on the lawn. enjoy reading to the soothing sounds of nature, sometimes interrupted by a baby’s cry.
  • reading in a rocking hammock is a unique experience. you’ll surely enjoy turning the pages while calmly rocking from side to side.

reading increases your fun dollars

It takes longer to read a book than to watch a movie. Of course, some might argue that taking time away from other activities is not an advantage. still, given the expense and potential reward, I’d rather enjoy anything for more than a few hours.

A hardcover book cost an average of $26.56 in 2021, while a paperback was priced at $17.11. these prices reflect the total amount that libraries always pay. even if a new book is less expensive in a store, the difference won’t be that great since websites that promote self-publishing a book offer comparable recommended prices.

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Movie tickets cost, on average, $9.19. You should expect to pay $12-$15 for a movie with popcorn and a coke. the typical cost for two people is $20 to $30, since most people go to the movies with other people.

The typical movie is about 110 minutes long. This roughly translates to a single moviegoer spending $5 to $7.50 per hour ($10 to $15 if he’s paying for two people) for a movie theater.

It’s a bit more difficult to calculate how long it takes to read a book. First of all, we rarely finish a book in one sitting. second, page counts can be misleading due to page size and fonts. however, word count is a more accurate metric.

Because novels typically contain between 250 and 300 words per page, a 400-page work should be at least 100,000 words. Although reading speed varies widely, 200 words per minute is commonly considered the norm. this equates to 500 minutes or 8.3 hours per 100,000 word book.

As you can see, you can enjoy your book for the same price for four times as much.

reading will expand your vocabulary

Reading Will Expand Your Vocabulary

reading will increase your vocabulary much more than watching movies. this is because the language in movies must be limited. a moviegoer can’t pause the movie to investigate a word’s definition through context the same way a reader can.

More significantly, reading improves your mental fitness. you need to keep your brain engaged and busy to be healthy. According to neuroscientists, watching a movie requires more visual and linguistic brain processing than reading.

Reading helps you think more clearly and expands your vocabulary. other research shows that:

  • reduce stress: According to research, reading reduces stress more effectively than going for a walk, listening to music, or drinking coffee.
  • improve your sleep: It is easier to teach your brain to connect reading a book with sleep than to associate the use of electronic devices such as televisions, which emit disturbing blue light, with sleep.

Reading simply alters the way our brains work. you’ll learn more, improve your ability to see patterns, and develop empathy.

these important things are why the movies aren’t as good as the books

This is why movies are not as good as books.

Imagination and the mind are powerful, and each person will have their own unique take on every aspect of the book. a filmmaker creates a movie with a vision of how it should look and sound.

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this means that 99% of the time, a movie will not be as good or as good as a book. the book is your world and the movie is someone else.

Your mind is the reason movies are better than books.

You may find it interesting to read more about the mind as it is an amazing thing. You may be interested in learning more about mindfulness, including why it’s not as effective as you think. also, how to return to reality and how to overcome it.

You can also visit my self-development page for a variety of great mind and life hacks. enjoy reading. keep looking.

the best books that are better than the movies

Books That Are Better Than The Movies - Forrest Gump (1994)

here are some movies that are hands down superior to the novels they are based on:

forrest gump (1994)

There is no denying the fact that this movie is a masterpiece. Although the film deviates quite a bit from the original story, the action is based on Winston Groom’s 1986 book of the same name. And given Tom Hanks’ outstanding performance and the excellent material they worked with, its triumph is well deserved.

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the godfather (1972)

While Mario Puzo’s novel is a masterpiece in itself, the film certainly took storytelling to a new level. The screenplay for the film adaptation was co-written by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo, possibly one of the reasons the film stayed so faithful to the source material. plus, the outstanding performances of the cast.

fight club (1999)

This David Fincher film, based on Chuck Palahniuk’s 1996 book of the same name, was hailed as one of the best films ever produced by the author and fans alike. The adaptation’s popularity was aided by Brad Pitt’s performance as the lead.

one flew over the cuckoo’s nest (1975)

One of the main factors that made the film version of Ken Kesey’s book a considerably bigger success than the book was Jack Nicholson’s moving performance. this is, without a doubt, one of the few film adaptations to appear in the book’s credits and is considered one of the best films ever produced.

the silence of the lambs (1991)

Based on the 1988 psychological horror book by Thomas Harris, this film earned Jodie Foster an Oscar and starred Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter. the film ended up being a masterpiece in itself, even if the book is undoubtedly a page turner.

look at the illustrations I provided above. Forrest Gump can only be imagined played by Tom Hanks. In contrast, as portrayed by Marlon Brando, Don Vito Corleone can only be imagined.

It’s hard to describe the impact of talented artists on a film version of any novel.

frequently asked questions about why books are better than movies

Why Books Better Than Movies

Are books really better than movies?

You can read a book and interpret the plot and story to your heart’s content. you can be creative with books. the books are also more detailed than the movies. a movie is usually about two hours long, while a book can be hundreds (or even thousands) of pages.

why are movies bad for you?

The Department of Health and Recreation at the University of Toledo conducted a study in 2017 that found that binge-watching television and movies can cause anxiety and disturb sleep.

Is watching too many movies bad?

Bakris said that intense movies can increase your heart rate and, if you have coronary artery disease, can cause chest pain and high blood pressure. She note that horror movies can increase adrenaline and cortisol levels.

Is watching a lot of movies good for you?

research from the university of oxford suggests that endorphins are produced when you watch a traumatic movie. this chemical is associated with a higher tolerance for pain and, paradoxically, a greater sense of well-being. Movies can also help psychologically, which is why therapists often recommend movies as a treatment.


Books are better than movies because they offer a more immersive experience, provide more complex character development, and allow readers to use their imaginations more.

The books allow readers to immerse themselves in the story in a way that the movies cannot. readers can visualize the characters and settings in their minds, making the experience more personal.

Also, the books often provide more complex character development than the movies. this is because the books have more time to explore the characters’ thoughts and motivations.

Finally, books allow readers to use their imaginations more. This is because readers must create the images in their minds, which can be more enjoyable than seeing someone else’s performance.

thanks for reading!

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